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Re: [Amps] Why people don't build amps. (Roger)

Subject: Re: [Amps] Why people don't build amps. (Roger)
From: Paul Gerhardt <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 11:30:46 -0400
List-post: <">>
Roger and Lee reminded me of a great book I read last year or so.  It is
relevant to using tools and building and is a great read. More about
motorcycle mechanics than radio but my wife says it was even brought up in
her knitting forums.

"Shop class as Soulcraft" by Matthew Crawford.  Take a look at the New York
Times review at

Also, some people have no skills drilling a hole or using tools.  Shop class
in High School is long gone.
A lot of people entering the hobby have opted for homebrewing software, not
hardware.  Why?  They grew up with computers and gaming equipment, not

You might even want to build some metal working tools such as a metal
brake.  This is where it's nice to have a friend who has a machine shop.
<:-))  I get real satisfaction out of building things "that work"<:-))
Now if I just had the airplane ready to fly<sigh>

Paul Gerhardt
Amps mailing list

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