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Re: [Amps] Alternative cooling strategies for SB-220?

To: Carl <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Alternative cooling strategies for SB-220?
From: Roger <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:36:34 -0500
List-post: <">>
Carl wrote:
> Are there any good references on water cooling? Ive a tube Id like to 
> play with sometime.
I don't know about "good", but one issue of QST some years back had 
quite a bit on converting external anode tube to water cooling. They cut 
the fins off and made/built/converted to small water tanks. I know 
that's a rather meager pointer, but that's all I remember.  The only 
fans were small ones to provide air circulation over the power supply(s) 


Roger (K8RI)
> Carl
> KM1H
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Roger" <>
> To: "Dave White" <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 12:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Alternative cooling strategies for SB-220?
>> The 3-500 is an easy tube to cool as it only takes a breeze to do so.
>> Adding chimneys and blowing the air up around them certainly makes the
>> cooling more efficient.
>> Also the remote blower with ducting to the amp mentioned earlier can
>> easily be used with these tubes and is the quietest of the lot where the
>> mechanical means is used. I'd probably use something a bit different
>> than a dryer hose, but you can move a lot of air that way.
>> The water cooling is easily adapted to some of the Russian tubes as the
>> finned anode cooler is removable on many of them including the GS-35B.
>> Also the vapor phase cooling (with distilled water) would be, or could
>> be very efficient.
>> 73
>> Roger (K8RI)
>> Dave White wrote:
>>> I'll second that as a good idea. Also you may wish to mount the 
>>> blower on rubber bushes to stop the vibrations from using the amp 
>>> chassis as a soundbox and putting sound-deadening lagging in short 
>>> pieces of plastic drainpipe around the air entry and exit vents.
>>> Or build something with a water cooled tube.  Or even a vapour phase 
>>> cooled tube as per the 'Stanley Steamer' in the old Eimac bulletin.  
>>> The latter using the latent heat of evaporation is the most 
>>> effective cooling method of the lot
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave G0OIL
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> Sent: 16/12/2009 00:51
>>> Subject: Re: [Amps] Alternative cooling strategies for SB-220?
>>> Build an enclosure that vents out the back...  equipment built into
>>> the wall concept.  That will drop the noise at least by half.
>>> Don WA4NPL
>>> Quoting "Bill W5WVO" <>:
>>>> It already has, apparently. However, it was a serious question,
>>>> despite the obvious reality that some guys think wanting to reduce
>>>> the level of ambient noise in the shack is stupid. I'm sure there
>>>> must be some who share my desire for peace and quiet. :-)
>>> [truncated by sender]
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