Need a little info guys:
I found the data sheet for the 3CPX800A7 at the CPI/Eimac website,
but this data sheet looks as though a few things have been left
off. They say the tube is "intended for use in zero bias class B
amplifiers in pulsed radio frequency applications".
However, if I were using it in a grounded grid application, would I
not bias it? I don't see any data on bias voltage. What is typical?
and what should the zero-signal (idle) anode current be? Also, what
is the typical maximum grid current?
My first homebrewed amp (now sitting on the shelf) used a single
3-500. The HV supply transformer loafed along with one 3-500, so I'm
thinking of a conversion to this tube with not than many modifications.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for more detailed specs on
this tube?
Charles - K5ZK
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