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Re: [Amps] MOV Sizing

To: "Tom W8JI" <>, "Amps Amps" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] MOV Sizing
From: "Paul Christensen" <>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 20:30:55 -0500
List-post: <>
> MOV's should never tie to the safety ground lead or any ground lead 
> outside of an entrance panel.

That makes a lot of sense.  Some of the sources I've read recently advocate 
not using ground as a MOV reference for that very reason.  High current 
surges may follow other grounding paths (coaxial cables, audio shields, 
etc).  But there are sure a lot of commercial MOV devices that offer "all 
three modes of protection" with a ground connection.

Several manufacturers divert to a neutral when available, rather than ground 
to avoid the above problem, presumably to route the energy to ground at the 
neutral/ground common tie point at the service entrance.   Probably my best 
alternative above and beyond the "whole house" device is to use a single MOV 
across the 240VAC line and skip the MOVs from line to ground.

Paul, W9AC 

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