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Re: [Amps] Looking for info: SRF7053 device

Subject: Re: [Amps] Looking for info: SRF7053 device
From: Steve Thompson <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 23:02:12 +0100
List-post: <>
Will Matney wrote:
> Also, didn't another company take over the MRF line to manufacture it? I was 
> thinking that M/ACom did that, but ASI (Advanced Semiconductor) also gives a 
> replacement number now.
When Motorola pulled the plug on all but BTS devices, M/A Com took over 
the rf power lines, lower power stuff and linear devices went to 
Microsemi. I don't know what's happened since then, but several other 
companies have offered 'equivalents' to some of the common widespread 
parts for many years. In my experience they rarely work simply as drop 
in replacements.

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