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Re: [Amps] Boat-Anchor Cleanliness

Subject: Re: [Amps] Boat-Anchor Cleanliness
From:;Measures <>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 13:40:25 -0800
List-post: <>

On Mar 15, 2006, at 12:53 PM, wrote:

Hal, I am absolutely in awe of a man having a wife that makes all that
acceptable. It is a scenario that the rest of us can only fantasize about!

 There are bound to be some out there. Maybe it's time to trade yours in on a new, lower-maintence model?

73, Gerald K5GW

In a message dated 3/15/2006 2:43:21 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Dear Chris,

Actually, I have washed dusty, cruddy circuit boards
in the  sink many times. I always finish with an isopropanol
scrub and a hot  blow-dry. The alcohol mixes with the water
and evaporates without  residue.

Hotel room bathrooms and kitchenettes are best for  this
type of renovation. It avoids the inevitable discussion
and  punishment when She Who Must Be Obeyed finds
a single speck of PCBd.  splatter on a mirror or left
on the porcelain. Further, the hair dryer in  electronics
assembly service is best done when alone and  undisturbed.

In 37 years of traveling for business the development  of
ham radio projects has found a time and place without
the acrimony  and subsequent prostrations and begging
for forgiveness when things like  hot blobs of solder happen to
land on a carpet.

(One would think  that such lofty pursuits of knowledge
would gain acceptance, but no.) A  good friend of mine
was contemplating getting back on HF when  SWMBO
discovered him in the yard with a coil of wire, looking for
a  tie-point. His e-mail to me, complete with the ensuing
scenario, told of  his need to travel for business.

I told him that for most of us, we  need to establish a
secret room in the cellar that only the pooch and  we
know about, and to wear headphones because the female ear is
resonant  to heterodynes on 40 meters (Why do you think they
named them HETEROdynes?  - Duh!) One trace of a whistle
and they're on the warpath, because we're  not doing what's
on the Current List.

So again, travel has its ups  and downs. Ham Radio is mostly
tinkering and reading at this stage, so  getting all this out of the
way now smooths the relationship as it's out of  my blood
and I am properly comported for Domestic Responsibilities
and  Assignments Subject to Acceptance.

On Wed, 15 Mar 2006  15:22:42 -0500 sb200 <> writes:
You should  have told him to use his 4000 psi power washer.
 Dishwasher.  Man
O man

-----  Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent:  Wednesday, March 15, 2006 1:54 PM
Subject: [Amps] Boat-Anchor  Cleanliness

1. Old xfmrs that are not completely potted will be destroyed in the dishwasher.

2. Even PWD's will be destroyed because  there
   is always one little pinhole in the  tar.

3. All meters will be destroyed.

4. Probably all potentiometers will be

5. Aluminum panels that are not  coated
   will tarnish and spot.

All chassis renovation needs disassembly
as far as is  humanly possible.  Most of my
amplifier anchors have gone  right down to
bare metal chassis with no hardware

Once there, it's easy to bring the  entire
metalwork to the anodizer shop and have
a  strip job and a brandy-new layer of
Zinc-DiChromate  applied.

On several occasions I needed to  add
and subtract holes. Only then did I
disassemble  everything all over again
and bring it to the platers.

For those who are not inclined, the
"hand-bay  carwash" is a good
alternative.  Afterward, use the
hair dryer liberally.

Amps mailing list

Harold Mandel
Superintendent of Construction
Baran Telecom  Inc.
606 - 205 -  0172
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Rich Measures, 805.386.3734, AG6K,

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