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Re: [Amps] Effects of load Z mismatch?

Subject: Re: [Amps] Effects of load Z mismatch?
From: Gary Schafer <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 14:05:20 -0500
List-post: <>

> Jim Kearman wrote:
>I'm aware that properly matching the tube to the pi network results in best 
>efficiency and, presumably, less distortion. But to what extent? 

Efficiency has nothing to do with amount of distortion. Distortion is 
mainly determined by where on the load line the tube is operated and how 
linear that load line is.

Although poor efficiency may be an artifact of a good linear amplifier, 
it comes about by the operating parameters of the tube.

Proper matching of the output of a tube helps maintain the operating 
parameters in the linear region of the load line.

Loading an amplifier heavier than where maximum output occurs helps to 
keep the operating region in the more linear portion of the load line. 
In other words heavier loading helps keep the operation down below the 
upper curve of the load line where flat topping starts to occur, but at 
the expense of some efficiency.

Gary  K4FMX

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