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Re: [Amps] Drake L-4B PSU burned resistor

Subject: Re: [Amps] Drake L-4B PSU burned resistor
From: Alan Ibbetson <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 23:09:34 +0000
List-post: <>
In message <>, R. Measures 
<> writes
>The first things I would look at is the tubes, testing them for 
>filament-grid breakdown potential.

No hi-pot tester here, but seeing as the valves are somewhat low on 
emission I might invest in a pair of new ones on my trip to CA next 

>   Next, I would measure the R of the VHF suppressor resistors.

They measure OK.

>This requires a larger resistor - such as a 10W surge protection type 
>of approximately 10 to 15 ohms.

The 10 or 14 watt ones commonly available from the big UK supply houses 
are wire wound vitreous enamel types, with a maximum voltage rating of 
only 500 or 750v. I guess I'll need several of these in series, not so 
much for the power rating as for a breakdown voltage safety margin. 
Messy, but just doable within the rather cramped confines of the L-4B 

Thanks very much for all the helpful replies I've had, both on and off 
the list, and for the several offers of components. The ham spirit ain't 
dead yet!



Alan G3XAQ

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