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[Amps] FW: baking out gassy tubes sitting in storage

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] FW: baking out gassy tubes sitting in storage
From: "uvc@acninc" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 08:56:18 -0700
List-post: <>
-----Original Message-----
From: uvc@acninc [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 10:55 AM
To: 'Jason Buchanan'
Subject: baking out gassy tubes sitting in storage

I have learned over the past 30 years if you have a gassy tube,
(not including damaged tubes) and you fire it up at anything but very
low plate voltage, or anode voltage etc. the tube is NORMALY DISTROYED.
There is no way to bring the tube back to life if it flashes over
inside. This is a (rule of thumb not absolute.)

As all of our tube collections increase in age, and value, this will be
more of a problem.
The next unknown is, some of the tubes might not have been baked out 100
% when they were first made. This may be due to mass production, and the
speed of getting them out the door. 
My option only, if a few molecules of contamination are left in the tube
at the factory, and 10 to 30 years sitting on the shelf, this at a
minimum will reduce the life, and or performance of the tube, OR DISTROY
If anyone has any insight on this issue I am very interested to converse
on this subject and be accurate in my options and statements.
We have the equipment to bake out the tubes, it just has to be modified
from lamp baking to tube baking, and we must pay the power company, it
uses about 30,000 watts at 208 volts

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Buchanan [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 8:27 AM
To: uvc@acninc
Subject: Re: [Amps] (no subject)

uvc@acninc wrote:

>Baking out gassy tubes due to age 
>I have been in the lamp industry for years. The use of getters and
>baking out lamps we have done for years.
>Lamp building requirements are a lot more stringent than tube
>manufacturing, especially in large lamps of 10,000 to 25,000 watts.
>If I offer a service to bake out the impurities of tubes caused by age
>(not damage) would anyone be interested?
>I would need to charge a fee due to the cost of the equipment and power
>used to do the job.
>Amps mailing list

I might be if I have some issue with the old 3-400Zs I dug out of some 
ancient boxes - hi

Going to try to use them - if they don't work I may come knockin' on 
your door.

73 jason N1SU

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