On Jul 26, 2004, at 11:24 PM, Ian White, G3SEK wrote:
R. Measures wrote:
"The real point is that even under these favorable conditions, a
zener-regulated supply (with a capacitor) *still* produces notably
IMD than an electronically regulated constant voltage supply. This is
not surprising, because a well designed electronically regulated
will have a much lower output impedance than a string of zeners."
To me it is surprising since a 2-tone, 1000Hz-spaced test should
consume constant current from a C-filtered PS whether it is regulated
or not..
Constant *average* current, yes - but this whole discussion is about
the variations above and below that average, within each modulation
The Rate of variation of the modulation cycle in this test was 1000Hz.
One would think that a screen PS filter that is suitable for
100Hz/120Hz ripple would be able to handle 1000Hz ripple.
73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
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