It looks like someone had a bad parasitic problem at one time and used the Rich
Measures kit. The black stuff looks like HV dope they may have had an arching
problem at one time. On Ebay if they say they can't test it usually means it
don't work. Be careful I just got stung for $130.00 on Ebay.
K6KWQ Dick "12 Volt radios are for wimps, real radios can kill you" Still can't
make it go QRO with "More Power"
----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Beckwith
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 12:28 PM
Subject: [Amps] burnt-looking adhesive/sealant ... ?
Naturally I cruised through eBay
For starters, I inquired about whether the auction includes the power
supply; it does not. The seller ("Allen") included photos, one of which I
put here for your expert perusal:
I asked the seller and he says "If you are referring to the black looking
stuff on the end of the big red coil/choke, that is some sort of adhesive to
seal the wire to the core. It is also on some of the nuts, etc. It is not
something which has burnt. Don't know if it was used to simply seal
something in place or insulate it. But it definitely is not something
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