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Re: [Amps] Re: Amps Digest, Vol 12, Issue 41

To: <>, " AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Re: Amps Digest, Vol 12, Issue 41
From: R.Measures <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 17:26:51 -0800
List-post: <>
>I do not agree that the 1200 is better than the 1500 and here is why. The 
>1500 has only 50 watts of filament wattage verses the 1200 at 150 watts. 
>The 1500 does not need a neutralizing capacitor at the tube, the 1200 does 
and will 
>oscilate if that little neutralizing circuit changes for some reason. 

**  The "neutralizing" circuit in later production Al-1200s reportedly 
makes the tube more prone to oscillate at the AL-1200's VHF anode 
resonance than  earlier models which do not have "neutralization".  A 
possible reason for this is that a neutralization circuit can not 
simultaneously neutralize at both VHF and HF, plus -  perfect 
out-of-phase cancellation at 14MHz becomes positive feedback at 100MHz.  
,  Heath and Gonset found this out the hard way in the Warrior and the 
GSB-201.  {the well-intended but not well thought-out  "neutralization" 
circuit originally appeared in the RCA tube manual}

>The 1200  wants more than 100 watts drive for full output, the 1500 needs 65 
watts for 
>1500 watts output. They cost about the same, depending on where you buy 
>them. I have been using 8877's for over 30 years now without one failure!! 
Some guy's 
>cry about the 25 watt grid, what about the 4 watt grid in the 3CX800A7??? I 
>have worked on several 1200's because they blew the tubes!!  Nuff said?
**  Did they grid-filament short?

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