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[Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes?

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes?
From: 2 at (rlm)
Date: Wed Mar 5 12:27:45 2003
>rlm wrote:
>> One treatment for rotten IMD is to measure the turkey's IMD and read his
>> IMD report to him whenever he is trying to listen.  Putting it on a tape
>> loop helps.  Be sure to ID.  Under No circumstance use ad hominems or
>> expletives.
>As you well know, deliberate interference is deliberate interference, no 
>matter how polite you are, and Riley won't be pleased with you.

It is the duty of  licensed amateur radio operators to inform others of 
amateur radio practice that is not good.  Riley does this himself - 
provided he has the time.
cheers, Vic

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K,  

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