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[AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please
From: (Radio WC6W)
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 14:09:06 EST
On Sun, 24 Dec 2000 20:16:15 -0800 "Terry Gaiser" <>

Hi Terry,

>After many years of wanting to put together a metal shop of some sort I 
>am finally doing so. I now have a foot sheer to go along with my brake. 
>Now I am trying to decide what the next tools should be ...

  A corner notcher will come in handy if you want to fold up corners like
a Bud "5-sided" chassis.

  And when folding those corners a relief hole, either punched or
drilled, at the corner location is a must.

>One of my goals is too be able to make a chassis of any size and shape I

>may need. It looks like on commercially made chassis the corners have 
>the flaps "spot" welded together. Who can tell me how this is done on 
>aluminum? I remember the spot welders from metal shop in jr. high school

>and spot welding tin together ... is this all that is needed to put 
>aluminum together? Another possibility is to weld the corners of the 
>chassis together but I fear the needed equipment to do this would be 
>very expensive?

  Pop (or regular) rivets or even screws, with nuts or pem-nuts, will be
easier in the short run.

>Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. If I can become equipped 
>and able to turn out a nice chassis I have considered making them =
>available to fellow homebrewers.

  If you are getting your aluminum surplus, it pays to run a few test
bends on some scraps before trying to make a complete chassis.  I've run
across some aluminum, likely from the hulls of flying saucers, which will
NOT bend at all -- it just breaks!   Plus, you'll see what allowances
need to be made for the bends.

  When you get around to making a box, it helps to make a paper pattern
to figure what needs to be cut out before bending and in what order the
flaps must be formed.

73 & Happy Holidays,
   Marv  WC6W


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