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[AMPS] Titan II Mods

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Titan II Mods
From: (Roy Koeppe)
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 10:34:37 -0600
 Hello All,

 In case others are frustrated with their Titan II's, I offer them this

 My new Xmas present to myself had a fan which sounded like a helicopter
 and even shook the table. I cured that entirely objectionable problem
 constructing a pressurized wooden platform for the amp to sit upon. The
 one inch thick material is 5 1/2 inches high, thus also elevating the
 amp to a more desirable height for viewing its meters. The top and
 bottom edges are lined with thick felt strips for an air tight fit. A
 foot long clothes dryer hose (4" dia.) runs from this base to a cubby
 hole closet which our house builder conveniently provided under a short
 stairwell. In there is a remote squirrel cage blower, Fasco cat. no.
 F2-2440, ordered online from It's made in USA and its
 dynamic pressure and volume exceed that of original Titan II's fan. Its
 round outlet flange snuggly fits directly into the clothes dryer hose.
 glued it in there with Shoo Goo. The blower is well balanced, smooth
 quiet with no radio noise. The original fan was removed and set aside.
 Air enters through the original fan's bottom hole. The amp's rear feet
 were removed. This remote blower concept is not mine--Collins used it
 their model AM-1 if my memory serves me right. The Titan II is now
 virtually silent in operation. The slight hiss of air exhausting from
 the jug is subdued by placing a chimney-like muffler over the exhaust
 port. It is big enough to have no restriction of air flow and is lined
 inside with sound absorbing material. Both the platform base and the
 chimney muffler are painted Ten-Tec gray.

 Now for the second objectionable problem. Two ceramic disc caps are
 switched in parallel with the variable loading cap during 80M
 These caps are unbelievably small and cheap. (No padder is used for the
 plate tuning cap on 80M, thank goodness). They drift like crazy during
 transmission, being manifested as sagging output and lowering screen
 current, often down to the point of negative screen current. All this
 pertains to CW operation at full 1500 watts out, into a perfect 50 ohm
 (Nye Viking tuner). I have not tested it on SSB.

 The cure for this second dilemma was to install a single 320 pF
 mica, rated 2.5 A @ 5 KV in their place. I "remote located" the new
 placing it near the fil (heater) xmfr. A short piece of good quality RG
 58 connects the cap to the bandswitch. The shield is grounded at both
 ends. The job was performed in such a manner that the amp can be easily
 and speedily restored to original for you know what reason. The
 two caps' total value were twice that of the new the 320 pF value,
 causing the loading control to run more than half way open. This new,
 lower value allows the variable loading cap's plates to operate in a
 more fully meshed position (number 7 when operating on 3522 kHz). Now
 both the plate tuning and loading dials read approximately the same;
 plate remaining at  number 8 on 3522 kHz. This new loading setting
 allows for more circulating current in the variable loading cap and
 in the padder. It may not match a 2 to 1 SWR (25 ohms) anymore.

 The improved system has been used with excellent results. Now the
 readings remain perfectly solid at all times. I don't presently operate
 160M. But I'm sure a similarly awful situation exists there, where both
 ceramic plate tuning and plate loading padders are switched in.

 73,   Roy      K6XK         Iowa          Outback

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