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[AMPS] Hi Power Connectors

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Hi Power Connectors
From: (Tom Rauch)
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 15:35:37 -0500
> That is my next project, since the Suburban was wrecked.
> I am going to do a Extended Chevy Van with a smallish V8 in the back.
> I think I should be able to run about 6 to 8 power supplies off a 300
> horsepower V8.

Why so much horsepower?

One horsepower will typically produce a little less than one-half 
kilowatt with a normal alternator. 300 horsepower should be enough 
for a hundred kilowatts of supply power if the supplies have decent 
construction and the system is designed correctly.

Most people drive all the alternators off the crank snout. The snout 
isn't designed to run more than normal accessories plus a safety 
margin. Not only that, all the inertia of the spinning mass on the 
front aggravates twisting and torsional vibration of the crank. The 
harmonic damper can't do it's job when the crank is loaded with 
spinning mass on the front, and the flywheel at the rear away from 
the load certainly makes things worse.

If I had a separate engine, I'd drive the alternator from the flywheel 
end.You could run 1/4 the engine size without failure with the same 

73, Tom W8JI

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