AC1O/4 (Florida) NAQP SSB Score:
160: 8 x 7
75: 112 x 32
40: 363 x 48
20: 405 x 53
15: 69 x 26
10: 6 x 3
TOT: 963 x 169 = 162,747 points (Florida Contest Group)
Comments: Why is it that a died-in-the-wool CW operator like me gets beat
up so badly in the CW NAQP's, then does OK in the phone runnings. I HATE
PHONE CONTESTS; there's too much racket and QRM on the low bands for phone
to be fun from down here. (Although the SSB NAQP WAS fun in August,
especially on 20 meters, and turned out to be a lot of fun this time, too.)
10: A VERY poor opening at 1920Z (NOT at 1900; the band was dead then)
-- and only to CA/OR (where did the CA/OR signals hit on their journey to
FL, anyway, the middle of the Gulf of Mexico??)
15: Well, at least it was better than last weekend. (A little.) Died
tragically early, though.
20: My August numbers on 20 were 526 x 60, so I had high hopes for the
band this time around. It never played as well as it did last summer at any
time Saturday afternoon, though, and 20 also died a lot earlier in the
evening than I would have liked. But at least the band was in better shape
than a week ago...
40: Has never played better for me (with no changes in antenna); best
rates of the whole contest came at 0130Z, when the last 100 rate meter hit
141. On 40 meters!). If I could ever repeat that performance in the CW
NAQP -- or in the SS -- I might be dangerous...
75: I thought I did pretty well on 75 until I saw fellow FCG member
K4VUD's numbers (195 x 46; he's only 100 miles north of me), but had at
least I got enough answers to my CQ's to not have to hunt for contesters
hiding out somewhere between the Pig Farmers Net and all the Bubba/Bubba
160: Disappointingly noisy; the big cold front that went through the
northern U. S. late last week stalled in this area, and the general hash
level was high. (Next gadget for the AC1O Non-SuperStation is gonna be one
of them JPS antenna noise eliminator thingees...)
Hey -- I couldn't have done it without a lot of good ears at the other end!
Thanks and 73!!
-- Walt, AC1O/4