The notion of Home owners associations being voluntary is comparable to the
same notion that living in a racist society is voluntary and that segregation
is voluntary for people who choose to live in the south. When a vast majority
of land owners choose the same form of land control, its hard to fight and it
is discrimination against the ham radio subculture.
HOA's can't stop me from buying if I'm German, but they can if I have an
antenna. There is a major difference here than having rules of where you put
your RV or trash cans. Hoa's limit owners freedom of expression and if you took
it to the Nth degree where everyone has a HOA, then everyone looses their
freedom of expression. We should not close our eyes just because its not
happening to us direectly on our own property. The CC&R issue is having a major
negative threat on our activities and lifestyles and when and if they get
everywhere our activity will die.
That's why we should seek a change in the laws from Congress. That should be
the number one issue at the ARRL.
However witht he reality of the CC&R we should have a robust structure of
activities to do on VHF where you can hide the antennas and encourage
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