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Re: [TowerTalk] AFCI RFI?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] AFCI RFI?
From: John Simmons <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 18:25:09 -0500
List-post: <>
A local ham resumed his ham activities after a multi-year hiatus which included moving into a newly constructed house. All was fine with the arc-fault/ground fault breakers with SSB or PSK31 HF operations on all HF bands, with either a multi-band vertical or EFHW, including running 1KW. When he started using FT8, even at 25W the breakers started tripping, but only when there was a load on the associated circuit. He contacted the ARRL which put him in touch with a rep at Eaton, the breaker manufacturer. The rep said that there was an issue with the arc-fault detection circuit which has since been re-designed. Eaton supplied new breakers at no charge and the local ham installed them. Now FT8 operations, even at 750W do *NOT* cause any issues with the breakers.

The arc-fault detection circuit falsely sees the FT8 modulation as an arc condition.

-de John "Curly" NI0K in rural Debs, MN USA
Hamshack Hotline: 6100000271

john wrote on 3/16/2023 2:40 PM:
We have had a terrible time with Siemens breakers.  All of the Siemens AFCI connected to my ham station were replaced with regular breakers. We are still having problems with medical equipment breakers popping, as well as washer/dryer. I have heard that Siemens has improved breakers, but out Electrician will no longer return phone calls.
  - 73, John, N0TA

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