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[TowerTalk] G-1000SDX Controller Help

Subject: [TowerTalk] G-1000SDX Controller Help
From: Dave Putman <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 17:28:45 -0500
List-post: <">>
As I was installing a replacement lamp on the indicator display of my Yaesu G-1000SDX rotator controller, one wire from the indicator motor control board pulled loose. This is the first of a pair of grey wires from the indicator motor control board (top left corner looking at the board from the rear of the controller). It appears to wrap around the rear of the motor control board then forward the faceplate - the wire is loose at that end. Does anyone have a service manual for this controller? Alternatively, if someone who has one of these controllers could examine the interior assembly and tell me where the wire connects (or could allow me to examine it), please contact me (callsign at ARRL dot net) and I will make arrangements.
Dave KE4S

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