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[TowerTalk] radial field

Subject: [TowerTalk] radial field
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:06:39 -0600
List-post: <">>
In a best case scenario laying out radials in a uniform pattern around a vertical is thought to be best.
I am curious if there is any way to model or test what happens when your 
radial field is compromised in a certain direction such as 10 to 45 
degrees.  Compromised would mean that you might only be able to get 
radials out 20 feet or so.  If a majority of your radials are opposite 
EU does this affect your signal going that direction?
I am thinking about a 2 ele vertical array end fire pointing to EU so 
that broadside would get Carib and JA/NW Pacific.
The NE most vertical would be close to our chicken coop and associated 
pens and would impede with radial placement.  Every other direction 
there would be little interference.
Is this worth worrying about?  I might have other options for placement 
but they bring other issues into play.

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