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Re: [TowerTalk] Anchor bolt material

To: Marvin Shelton <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Anchor bolt material
From: Martin A Flynn <>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 17:54:41 -0400
List-post: <">>
We use the HILTI system at the N2MO station for a new Rohn base plate on an existing reenforced slab
Our PE refereed us to ACI 318 Appendix D and  CSA A23.3 Annex D for the 
technical requirements and suggested using Hilti HIT-HY70 injectable mortar.
We discarded use of ROCKITE and KWIXSET as both expand as they cure - 
the possibility of splitting the slab was considered as our anchors were 
2 feet into the existing slab.
73 Martin Flynn

On 10/12/2014 11:37 AM, Marvin Shelton wrote:
Here’s a question for everyone. I’m installing a new T-base for my crank-up US Tower so that 
I can use the raising fixture and stop climbing it when it’s retracted. (getting too old for that) 
and I’ve got the holes prepared and am wondering about the anchoring material to use.
I’ve drilled the holes 2.5” in diameter to account for the nuts at the base of the anchor bolts, which 
I’ve had to cut off because I couldn’t go deep enough. So now I have 2.5” diameter holes to install 
1-1/8” anchor bolts in.

My obvious choices are anchoring epoxy, which is expensive at over $20 per tube, Quikrete 
anchoring cement, and I just discovered something called Rockite- for anchoring and patching. 
 I’m hoping that any of these choices will work. I’d like to save a few $$ and 
use the Quikrete which will be much easier to use (mix like concrete and pour into the 
holes). It has a pull-out strength of 14,100 psi  after 24 hours and 21,000 psi after 28 days.

Anyone have experience with any of these products. I’d like to do my pour today 
if possible.


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