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Re: [TowerTalk] Inverted V for 160/80 on the same feedline

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Inverted V for 160/80 on the same feedline
From: Mike Fatchett W0MU <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:26:04 -0600
List-post: <">>
In theory then you should be able to get a decent swr for both bands.  I 
don't really care about the bandwidth too much as they will be used for 
CW in a contest.

The goal is to have a good match and a single feedline for weight,time, 
baggage considerations for travel.


On 4/20/2011 12:20 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 4/20/2011 10:53 AM, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
>> This might also be called a Fan dipole.
>> Can you run 160 and 80 on the same feedline with decent swr?  I have
>> tried to model this and have not been very successful.
> The short answer is yes, sort-of.  In general, the longer antenna will
> show the same SWR bandwdith as it would without the higher one, and the
> higher one will have it's SWR bandwidth reduced by about half. My
> experience is with 80/40 fans, and with 20/15/10 fans, and these
> characteristics show up both in the NEC models and in measurements of
> real antennas.
> This is exactly the opposite of what happens with the loaded multi-band
> dipoles like those sold by Hy Power Antenna Company -- the higher band
> antenna retains full SWR bandwidth, and the lower frequency (loaded)
> band has reduced SWR bandwidth.  I've also modeled those antennas, and
> like them a lot. In boht cases, the reduced SWR bandwidth can be
> compensated with a tuner and losses minimized by using low loss feedlines.
> For more detail, see my applications notes on Antennas for Limited
> Space.  There are two that compliment each other  -- one is text, the
> other a power point presentation.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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