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Re: Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
From: Greg Chartrand <>
Reply-to: Greg Chartrand <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 13:21:22 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
I expect the losses are related to current not voltage. The current of my 
antenna is in the vertical section for the most part and loss would would have 
to happen there as coupled to the nearest tree. The current would have to flow 
to ground so I seriously doubt if the resistance of the trunk is low enough to 
conduct any significant current to ground. Any loss in the top hat where the 
voltage is probably would amount to much power; the current has already flowed 
in the vertical section where I want it to. I had one of the top hat wires 
break once due to an apparent arc to a tree limb. My solution was wire with 
better insulation, so far so good.

 I couldn't care less about any speculated loss due to my trees. Without them I 
would not have an antenna on 160 so I figure I'm probably at least +50 db 
compared to my dummy load and many db better that a makeshift antenna away from 
the trees. 

I'd encourage anyone considering 160 to use trees to suspend an antenna if they 
are available. If I had a nice 100' tree in my backyard I guarantee you I'd use 
it. I also guarantee that I'd spend a hell of a lot of money putting up an 
equivalent tower in the open and the DB difference would not be worth the 
effort and cost  for me. 

Again, thank you trees.
Greg Chartrand - W7MY 
Richland, WA.

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