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Re: Topband: KLM antennas on shunt fed towers

Subject: Re: Topband: KLM antennas on shunt fed towers
From: Steve London <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 07:32:56 -0700
List-post: <">>
See the thread titled "Shunt fed towers and common mode chokes", that began on December 6, 2012.
I'm afraid you will be replacing that 4:1 balun.

Steve, N2IC

On 12/25/2012 08:52 PM, Ron Spencer wrote:
Anyone have problems running a KLM antenna with the 4:! balun and
elements insulated from the boom (stock KLM config) on a shunt fed tower
for 160? I ask because I have a 6 element 10 on the top of my shunt fed
tower and now, after running a kw on 160, the antenna's swr has gone
over 2:1 where before it was pretty flat at about 1.2:1 or so. Any ideas?

Ron N4XD
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

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