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[SECC] Antenna Choices

Subject: [SECC] Antenna Choices
From: RadioIR at (Jerry Montgomery)
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 19:23:18 -0500

You aren't going to believe this.  I had just worked up the answer to 
your question, along with some more information, and I was about ready 
to hit the button to send it when my chair broke, I went tumbling over 
backwards (no injury).  When I got up my computer had crashed and it 
won't recover.  It won't even boot from a floppy. (I'm not really that 
heavy.) I'm trying to get it going again right now.  Hope I can make it 
recover.  Pressed my laptop into service to send this message.
When I make it recover, I will send the antenna results.  The summary 
was that the 2 element vee being operated 14% high in frequency has a 
physical problem, it requires a switch at the antenna terminals, which 
is not too practical.  So the best approach is to use stub tuning.  I 
think the length was 320 degrees for the two lines to the elements, 
seems like it was about 81 ft of 0.66 velocity cable, not too sure of 
the exact number.  The performance for the antenna with top at 50 feet 
and sides at 40 feet was pretty good, esentially the same as I had given 
you before.  When you droop the sides to 20 feet, the gain drops 
significantly, take-off angle goes up and front to back drops to 2.5 to 
5 dB.  It was a fairly large penality.

If I don't get this thing to recover soon, I will repeat the analysis.

Jerry, K4SAV

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