Check this out guys.
The eXtreme CW World-Wide Challenge
Published on 31. 07. 2005 (352 x viewed)
Here is a new CW contest to promote contacts between radio operators interested
in improving their morse code skills when sending and receiving messages under
difficult operating conditions.
To promote contacts between radio operators interested in improving their morse
code skills when sending and receiving messages under difficult operating
1.1 Background
Wireless telegraphy has been in use for over one hundred years. During this
period, telegraphers have often been required to send and receive important
messages in emergency circumstances - on land, at sea, and in the air. Such
circumstances have often involved operating their station under life
threatening situations, and in extremes of temperature and physical discomfort.
Examples being: operating with cold hands or water-logged message pads and
copying weak signals through high levels of QRM and QRN.
This operating event is an opportunity to remember the bravery and dedication
of the countless unsung heroes who, over the years, have manned their radio
stations for as long as it took to ensure that important morse code messages
reached their destination. Central to the objective of this operating event is
gaining an appreciation of what it's like to maintain effective morse
communication under stressful and difficult circumstances for long periods of
It is hoped that this event will appeal to both beginners and experienced
operators, including SWLs-especially those who would like to try simulating
their own idea of what, for them, constitutes difficult operating
circumstances. Ideas for typical eXtreme CW (XCW) operating conditions include:
using a simple straight key and paper logging throughout the event;
operating from a cold, unheated shack;
using a morse key strapped to your leg;
using an unusual source of power;
taking part in this event despite, perhaps, high levels of QRM, or restricted
antenna space;
using vintage station equipment typical of an earlier period; or, perhaps,
having someone soak you with a bucket of water at regular periods throughout
the event!
The choice is yours-but do have fun! Above all-do it safely.
From: 0000 UTC on Saturday 29th October 2005
To: 2359 UTC on Sunday 30 October 2005
This is a 40 m, single band event for conventional CW operators. Operation is
limited to 7.005-7.035 MHz only.
4.1 Operator Categories
MULTI-OP Multi-operator
SINGLE-OP Single operator
SWL Single-operator receiving station
4.2 Power Categories
HIGH Transmitter output power greater than 100 watts
LOW Maximum transmitter output power of 100 watts
QRP Maximum transmitter output power of 5 watts
Single and Multi-Operator stations operate for a maximum of 24 operating hours.
The duration of each break must be at least 2 hours.
Participants call 'CQ XCW'; 'CQ TEST'; or 'CQ XCW TEST'.
A station may be worked once only for points. But don't let that stop you
having more QSOs with a fellow XCW operator later on-especially if things get a
bit quiet!
Minimum exchange is <RST> <TX Power>W (e.g. 599 5W; or 599 50W; or 599 500W).
Entrants are requested to send meaningful RST reports. Please, no automatic
'599' senders!
Naturally, participants are welcome to send additional operator/station
information too-such as name; age, etc.. Additional information does not need
to be recorded to count for QSO credit.
Score one point for each scoring contact. (Remember that a station may be
worked once only for points!)
10. LOGS
10.1 Deadline
To be included in the results, all logs must arrive by 19th December 2005.
10.2 Information Required
To keep things simple, you do not have to submit a list of all the contacts
made. Only the following details must be supplied:
1) Station Callsign
2) Name of entrant
3) Address of entrant
4) Operator category entered
5) Power category entered
6) List of callsigns of all operators
7) Total score
8) Maximum transmitter power used
In addition, you are welcome to include station details; photographs; and
comments about the event with your log. Only include information that you would
be happy to see included in the results. The results will be published on the
world wide web.
10.3 Email Submission
Send your entry either as plain text in the body of the email, or as a text
file attachment. Receipt will be acknowledged within 10 days.
Entries are to be emailed to xcw at In the 'Subject' line of
your e-mail message, please include the station callsign used.
The entrant is welcome to send entries in Cabrillo format (with or without a
full list of the QSOs made). The following header fields are suggested:
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