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Subject: [SECC] W4AN
From: ku8e at (
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 15:46:10 -0400
Just the point I was trying to make. The call should be used for only special 
I can't understand why all of a sudden people are making a big fuss over using 
club call when we had another call - and 2x1 call that was available before we 
W4AN ???

For those of you that did not know Bill he was a special person. See the 
following links
on his many accomplishments to contesting and our hobby :
Sprint : First Entry to break 400 QSO's :
W4AN set the USA record in the 1999 CQWW CW contest with 
8,279,616 points   4301 QSOs  175 zones  521 countries

See his diary of his trip to Dayton in 2000 where he gave a presentation
on his CQWW CW effort  -

Maybe AE4Y can incorporate some of this into the SECC webpage ????


> From: "Larry Phillips" <k4pic at>
> Date: 2005/04/20 Wed PM 01:24:37 EDT
> To: "SECC" <secc at>
> Subject: [SECC] W4AN
> SECC members,
> I don't usually get involved in the controversies that sometimes erupt on 
> the reflector
> but would like to express my opinion regarding the use of Bill Fisher's call 
> 'W4AN'.
> I did not know Bill personally. I worked him in contests back in the early 
> and mid 90's
> when he still had the call KM9P (I believe). From all I've heard about Bill 
> he was a
> person of respect and admiration as well as a very talented contester, one 
> of the best.
> I believe that when someone reaches the stature, in their field of endeavor, 
> that Bill
> accomplished in ham radio and contesting that the greatest honor that we 
> could do
> Bill would be to RETIRE the call "W4AN". It is now the call of the SECC, 
> which Bill
> was a co-founder, and we have the unique opportunity of preserving that call 
> in Bill's
> name ONLY. I wish that someone would compile a listing of Bill's 
> accomplishments
> and place them in a page on the SECC website and under the "W4AN" on the web
> site's home page it would be nice to add " In memory of Bill Fisher". Not 
> only do I
> suggest that the retirement of call W4AN be appropriate in honor of Bill 
> Fisher but
> that it would end the probably never ending haggling over who gets to use 
> the call
> for whatever contest which I suspect that the majority of the SECC members 
> are
> finding distasteful at best. It is not my intention to prolong the 
> "discussion" over the
> use of W4AN on this reflector or to create a new "discussion" over the 
> comments
> I've made above. It seems like a resonable solution, to me, regarding the 
> current
> debate over the use of the W4AN callsign and at the same time doing the 
> right thing.
> I hope everyone will give it some serious thought and consider what is 
> really best for
> the SECC.
> 73, K4PIC
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