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[SECC] Weekend Contests

Subject: [SECC] Weekend Contests
From: (John Laney)
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 16:21:21 -0500
Hello all:  In addition to the two hour Internet Sprint contest for 21
mhz cw from 1800 to 1959Z Saturday, there are two fairly major contests
this weekend.  Please do not make contacts in the internet sprint unless
you intend to send in a log.  Note the rule that changes the name sent
with each QSO and that permits repeat contacts with the same station
after each station has made three other QSOs and the special QSY rule,
like the NA Sprint Contests.  I am sure the TR supports this contest and
assume that NA Sprint software from NA can be used.  At least that is
what I am going to try to use in my first effort at this contest (if my
XYL's schedule permits--we have some of her family visiting this week).

The 24 hours of December 30, 2000 bring us the annual RAC Canada Winter
You can work everyone and, lately, there have been a lot of DX stations
working this contest, particularly on CW.  The NA and TR programs
support this.  Canadian stations send RST and province/territory.
Everyone else send RST and serial number.  Multipliers are Canadian
provinces and territories per band and mode.  Special Canadian stations
with RAC suffixes count extra points.

Suggested frequencies:  25 khz up on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 CW.
SSB:  1850, 3775, 7075, 7225, 14175, 21250, 28500.  Also contacts count
on 2 and 6 meters.

15Z Saturday to 15Z Sunday, maximum of 14 hours. 160 meters CW only.
Exchange is just your grid square, 4 character (mine is EM72).  points
are determined by the contest software (NA and TR that I know of)
depending on the distance between the two grid squares.   There are no
multipliers.  There are power multipliers, so this is a very good
contest for a station with low power and good antennas.  I don't have
good antennas for 160 meters, so I just work this for fun and not for
score.  This has been a very popular contest though, and will be a good
practice for CQ 160 CW at the end of next month.

VE stations ask you to exchange both the grid square and your RST+serial
number during the period that the RAC and Stew Perry overlap, so they
can get some RAC contest points on top band, as well.  If I got the
dates of these contests right, there won't be a lot of overlap, since
the RAC contest will end at 24Z, when the Stew Perry is just getting
warmed up for NA contacts.

There is also a German club sponsored QRP contest this weekend.  I
didn't extract the rules for it, since it requires that everyone who
participates use gear not capable of running in excess of 20 watts.
Does anyone want to build a K2 for me?

Happy New Year everyone and have a good and fun, but safe, weekend.


John, K4BAI.

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