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[ct-user] V9.39

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] V9.39
From: K4ab@aol.com (K4ab@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 18:58:48 EST
>  ATTN: K1EA -- Please fix this!
>  Importing the .BIN file to Hyperlog used to work just fine.  In
>  recent versions (9.3x) everything imports 7 hours off.  In a word,
>  that sucks.

OR, use the 'ct-time' utility.  For example, if your .bin file is named
99arrlcw do the following from a dos prompt:

  ct_time 99arrlcw 420

Then import the new file which it produces.  The whole process takes about 5

The ct_time utility can be found on the CT website.  The 420 refers to how
many minutes to adjust your log.  i.e. 7 hours X 60 minutes = 420.  Be sure to
use the new .bin file for importing only.  Use the old .bin file for all other

Hope this helps.

Larry K4AB

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