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From: WR34SHE@shellus.com (WR34SHE@shellus.com)
Date: Wed Jun 5 17:27:04 1996
FROM: SAM EFFINGER  K9SD@shellus.com
I am in need of some antenna side mounts. I wonder if the only manufacturer
is IIX in the Chicago area or are there others?

Any comments on one brand as opposed to another?

I have the NCJ article by W9RE and may make them but time is short and
I would rather buy some.

I bought one Tic ring rotator for the lower 20 meter antenna but for
$$$$ reasons I will use side mounts for lower 10/15 and 40.

I haven't put any towers up yet and the field behind our house is bare
so I have began calling it the "FIELD OF DREAMS"
Thanks...Sam K9SD (SOUTH DAKOTA in Illinois)


>From westnet@iol.ie (Tony Stack)  Wed Jun  5 23:47:02 1996
From: westnet@iol.ie (Tony Stack) (Tony Stack)
Subject: IOTA EU-007   EJ7NET....Blasket Island
Message-ID: <>

 Hello All,just a brief reminder that the EJ7NET team depart for The Great
Blasket EU007 tmw.The HB9 members of the team arrived Dublin today and are
enroute to Co. Kerry,we will be joined in the morning by our GI and GW
friends.Look forward to working many of you begining Friday evening (WX
permitting) on all HF bands and on 2m SSB/CW fron IOTA EU007 , IO42RC

73's de WestNet DX Group EJ7NET

>>>>>  Tony Stack EI2GX, Declan Craig EI6FR and Alan Dean EI9IF  <<<<<
                   sysops DUBDX ,Dublin DX Cluster.
                          WESTNET DX GROUP
               DX Cluster.................ei2gx > ei6fr

>From kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)  Thu Jun  6 00:50:25 1996
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin) (Dale L. Martin)
Subject: WPX Certificates HELP!!!
Message-ID: <199606052251.RAA01720@hal-pc.org>

> From:          wa3wjd@wirelessinc.com (Brian McGinness)
> I don't really know what can be done, but I am leaning towards 
> just giving up on the WPX contests entirely, if the sponsors 
> don't care enough to give out the awards! 

Sorry to hear of your difficulties, Brian.  But, aren't you in the contests 
for reasons in addition to, other than, or beyond getting a certificate?  

I know I am.  I can remember when I didn't have any (it wasn't all that 
long ago, actually), and I think even then getting a certificate was 
pretty remote as a goal. 

Some of my closer and more achievable goals still are 
to do better than I did the last time, 
to make the current hour's rate  better than the previous, 
to develop and improve as a contester, 
to not get flustered when K5ZD, K5RC, or K5GN call you 
and suddenly your fingers don't work (still happens!), 
to have fun, 
to meet new people, 
to recognize others (or at least their calls) from previous contests.

Basically, it's party time!

If I get a piece of paper for the filing cabinet, cool!  

If not, cool!

But, I do hope you get your certificate.  It's your first and that IS 


Dale Martin, KG5U
Houston, Texas

>From kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)  Thu Jun  6 00:36:22 1996
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin) (Dale L. Martin)
Subject: Plaque Strategies
Message-ID: <199606052251.RAA01717@hal-pc.org>

K1VR wrote:

> In a flash, I understood his (W5WMU's)  contest strategy:
> Donate a plaque in a category you do not intend to enter,
> and you will attract others to the plaque category, and away
> from your favorite category (which has no plaque).
Right!  That's exactly why I am in any contests (no matter how few 
lately): the Plaque! That sure would entice me from a big gun status to 

> This is exactly the same strategy used by folks who want to
> drink beer outdoors on a summer evening:  Attract the bugs
> to the zapper and they'll leave you alone.

No. No. No. No. No.  You got it ALL wrong here.  The folks who want to drink 
beer outdoors on a summer's evening ATTRACT the bugs.  They only make 
the mistake of getting a bug zapper believing it will reduce the bugs' 
numbers. More errant thinking; it's the combination of beer, their sweaty 
AND the zapper's UV that attracts even more bugs! 

>There you have it:  The W5WMU Strategic Plaque Strategy.  He
> doesn't do it with antennas after all.

Right!  I've been to and operated at his place.  We used series strung 
100 watt light bulbs and sunglasses.



Dale Martin, KG5U
Houston, Texas

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