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WPX Certificates HELP!!!

Subject: WPX Certificates HELP!!!
From: wa3wjd@wirelessinc.com (Brian McGinness)
Date: Wed Jun 5 16:06:03 1996
** Reply to note from floydjr@Interpath.com 06/04/96 08:51am -0300 
> A lot of material has been on the reflector lately about promoting and 
> enhancing contesting. Well let me tell you that in my opinion this is 
> the most NEGATIVE factors you can have in a contest. When the sponsors 
> of the contest do not support it how do you expect hams to. 
I agree wholeheartedly. My first certificate that I was supposed to 
have won was from a WPX contest, and I never saw it. Since it 
was my first one, I kinda would like to have it. 
I don't really know what can be done, but I am leaning towards 
just giving up on the WPX contests entirely, if the sponsors 
don't care enough to give out the awards! 
It's a real shame, bacuase there is some opportunity for USA stations 
in that contest bacause many of the big guns are not on that weekend... 
73, Brian 

* Brian McGinness WA3WJD    * 
* Potomac Valley Radio Club * 
* wa3wjd@wirelessinc.com    * 

* Brian McGinness WA3WJD    *
* Potomac Valley Radio Club *
* wa3wjd@wirelessinc.com    *

>From jkjones@fn.net (Jon K. Jones)  Wed Jun  5 18:59:27 1996
From: jkjones@fn.net (Jon K. Jones) (Jon K. Jones)
Subject: NO0Y June VHF Test
Message-ID: <01BB52DF.2C6323E0@mark406.fn.net>

NO0Y will be QRP Portable from EM18 on
50, 144, 432, and 1296 MHz.
WB0DRL will not be active this year.
Some of the 'DRL crew will be at N0YKR in EM08
on "6-2-440-1296."
Good WX and DX to all.

>From k1vr@k1vr.jjm.com (Fred Hopengarten)  Wed Jun  5 22:31:49 1996
From: k1vr@k1vr.jjm.com (Fred Hopengarten) (Fred Hopengarten)
Subject: Plaque Strategies
Message-ID: <31b5fcc7.k1vr@k1vr.jjm.com>

I've been reading the fine print in May 1996 QST, looking at
who donates plaques.  In the Delta Division (W5's), Pat
Sonnier W5WMU is the only donor of plaques, and they are for
QRP CW, and low power phone.  In a flash, I understood his
contest strategy:

Donate a plaque in a category you do not intend to enter,
and you will attract others to the plaque category, and away
from your favorite category (which has no plaque).

Donate a plaque in a QRP or low power category, attracting
activity in those categories, and you will be one of the few
W5's loud enough to call CQ.

The result?  W5WMU won the Delta Division High Power
caetgory, which had no plaque.

This is exactly the same strategy used by folks who want to
drink beer outdoors on a summer evening:  Attract the bugs
to the zapper and they'll leave you alone.

There you have it:  The W5WMU Strategic Plaque Strategy.  He
doesn't do it with antennas after all.
                      Fred Hopengarten K1VR
           Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
     home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
                   internet:  k1vr@k1vr.jjm.com
            "Big antennas, high in the sky, are better
                       than small ones, low."

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