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[Amps] PEP Wattmeters

To: AMPS <>
Subject: [Amps] PEP Wattmeters
From: Larry <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:15:48 -0700
List-post: <>
My latest project is a custom wattmeter setup for 5 VHF/UHF bands using 
Bird components. (5 line sections, one meter).

I thought I might as well make it a peak reading meter as long as I was 
building it up from scratch but being lazy I though I'd see what others 
have done for a peak detector.

After a half hour or so of web searching, I failed to find a single 
circuit published. The known good modern meters all seem to use 
microcontrollers or some such. Analog seems to be obsolete, just like me.

Can someone point me to a known good circuit or am I going to have to 
sit down with my Linear Applications Handbook and actually design something?

Thanks & 73,

Larry - W7IUV
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