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Re: [Amps] RE: 3-500Z plate durability...

To: <>, " AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] RE: 3-500Z plate durability...
From: R.Measures <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 07:47:43 -0800
List-post: <>
>Hello all, This is a very interesting topic. It seems to me several American 
>amplifier manufacturers are as bad as "used car salesmen" when they tout 
>their 3-500Z amp design.
>One claims that their's is better because they use a bigger transformer to 
>get legal limit out of a pair of 3-500Z's. Another claims that their 
>3-500Z is 
>better quality, as they they don't drive their 3-500Z's beyond factory rated 
>"continuous" ratings, although it doesn't quite do the legal limit, and it 
>generates less noise and heat due to the reduced cooling needed for their 
>As it takes about a 4X power change to get an increase of 1 "S" unit, I 
>really dont think the difference between 1300 and 1500 watts means anything.
**  You're right, Todd.  When I was a young whippersnapper, John 
MacDonald, W6SDM, told me that for SSB, it takes c. 10db (1.67 S-units) 
to make a clearly noticable improvement.  Thus, if one runs a pair of 
3-500Zs, and one wants to deliver a clearly better S/N ratio at the RX 
end, one needs a tube with handles.  

>Kind of like, " My dad can beat up your dad" reasoning, Hi Hi.
**  Or - my dad's SUV has a 450-horsepower engine (Porche) and you dad's 
like totally stupid pickemup truck has a wus 350-horsepower engine.  
have phun, Todd
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