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References: [ 4 ]

Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. [Yaesu] FT-757GX Sudden Drift (score: 1)
Author: (Federico J. Baldi LU4HKN)
Date: Sat Jun 21 18:46:57 2003
And then make them a "thermal cicle" with a "hair-dryer", covering from de air flux the cristal with your fingers. This is because the trimmers may also have humidity. I've solved something like this
/archives//html/Yaesu/2003-06/msg00047.html (8,201 bytes)

2. [Yaesu] None (score: 1)
Author: (Federico J. Baldi)
Date: Wed May 21 23:50:26 2003
Hi group, I have a ft-747gx and it's moving on frequency, porperly "dancing". The dial don't show it. I noticed that it occurs when the power supply outputs 14.5 Volts. Is it a casuality or someone e
/archives//html/Yaesu/2003-05/msg00035.html (6,727 bytes)

3. [Yaesu] FT-747GX Freq Jumping (score: 1)
Author: (Federico J. Baldi)
Date: Tue May 27 00:52:17 2003
Hi Tom, The problem in my 747gx "seems" to be solved, thanks to the help of Guillermo LU8EYW. My radio has not a tcxo. The problem was LOTS of dirty in the carrier oscilator trimmers. I don't know if
/archives//html/Yaesu/2003-05/msg00044.html (7,463 bytes)

4. [Yaesu] FT-747GX Freq Jumping (score: 1)
Author: (Federico J. Baldi)
Date: Tue May 27 13:11:37 2003
Yes!, that sound you hear is because the carrier moves compared with the center frequency of the cristal filter. If it was the main oscilator or the tcxo it moves but the white noise don't vary. Well
/archives//html/Yaesu/2003-05/msg00046.html (7,786 bytes)

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