On Tue, 27 May 2003 10:22:39 -0400
"Thomas Giella" <kn4lf@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Are you talking about the three carrier adjust trimmers on the back left
> side of the
> rig marked LSB, USB and CW?
Yes!, that sound you hear is because the carrier moves compared with the
center frequency of the cristal filter. If it was the main oscilator or
the tcxo it moves but the white noise don't vary.
> How and what did you use to clean them?
Well, I made a point mark with a pencil in each trimmer to not loose
the calibration point (you should see where the arrow is pointing).
Then with a little screwdriver made them turn CW and CCW many times.
I think it is not a scientific way but it works. At the moment I've
being talking in LSB and USB without a noticeable movement, except in
CW where I'm still fighting!.
Hope it helps.
73, fede.
ps: I hope my english is understandable.