I found that there was a lot of QSB here and some multi-path with Jim - W1XR. Overall, signals were down from last week. Even my brother Ron's (WZ1V) signal was down, a 449 on CW. I worked 6 stations
I will be on from my FN12ne location tonight. I plan to start out on SSB and CW. Later, I will move to FT8. The weather forecast here is for RAIN starting at 5pm. That.will certainly impact things. I
1. Repaired MKU 24 G3 USA SN9836 [MON-Output was replaced,] 2. MKU LO 8-13 PLL SN9370 was tested to make sure that verify that it was OK. KUHNE reported: " - no fault - ". I would prefer to sell the
It has been sold. Thanks to all who responded. 1. Repaired MKU 24 G3 USA SN9836 [MON-Output was replaced,] 2. MKU LO 8-13 PLL SN9370 was tested to make sure that verify that it was OK. KUHNE reported
I will not be on from my FN12ne location for this contest. 73 ES GL, Al - W9KXI --Original Message-- From: VHFcontesting [mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces+aoldfiel=stny.rr.com@contesting.com] On Behalf O
I will DEFINITELY be on from my FN12ne location. Operating plan: I will be monitoring the ON4KST chat page to see where the activity is. Modes here: CW (12 to 15wpm..."contest CW"), SSB and FT8 222MH
Not a bad evening from FN12ne: 9/6/2022 2303 USB K1WHS FN43 9/6/2022 2313 USB N1JEZ FN34 9/6/2022 2314 CW WZ1V FN31 9/6/2022 2326 USB WA3NUF FN20 9/6/2022 2352 USB WA3EOQ FM09 9/7/2022 0049 CW W1GHZ
A Lot of activity was apparent at my location in FN12ne last night. Signals were especially good to the East and the Northeast. Signals to the South and to the West were "down" from past weeks. 10 co
Reasonably good night here in the "Black Hole" of propagation: W1GHZ CW 2304 275.7 mi (443.7 km) WA3EOQ CW 2327 216.2 mi (348.0 km) W1XR CW 2330 216.3 mi WZ1V USB 2332 231.6 mi (372.8 km) WA3NUF USB
Like others are reporting, I too experienced QSB here last night. Modest results here: KC3BVL FM29 178mi USB WA3EOQ FM09 216mi CW WA3NUF FN20 146mi SSB N1BUG FN55 448mi FT8 WZ1V FN31 233mi SSB K1WHS
Even though my computer was on the chat page before 7pm, I got a late start Tuesday night. All signals were down here. My "benchmark" always is my cousin, Ron - WZ1V. He was probably a 5-1 and there
I was on way too briefly last night as I had a malfunction with my headset which I needed to address. Here are my results for last night: Mode Time Call Dist (mi) 222 CW 0120 K1PXE 205 222 CW 0110 K1
I was pleased with the contacts that I had last night: CALL GRID SQUARE MODE DISTANCE (Mi) N2OA FN03va FT8 87.5 VE3DS FN03fq FT8 169.1 N2JMH FN12bw FT8 72.9 NZ3M FN10pd FT8 141.4 K1RZ FM19jh FT8 199.
Only 4 Q's last night: K1WHS FN43 SSB 312 Miles K1RZ FM19 FT8 200 Miles K1ZK FN34 FT8 241 Miles WA3NUF FN20 FT8 166 Miles I got on shortly after 7pm and checked in to the ON4KST chat page, to see who
Please submit your 6M fall sprint score to <http://www.3830scores.com> http://www.3830scores.com and include your comments on the contest. Don't forget the upcoming Fall Sprints scheduled for Septemb
I got on just before 1900 local time, checked in to the ON4KST chat, pointed my beam towards Massachusets and Connecticut and...there was tremendous noise level in that direction. I had a prearranged