Dave, There are many ways, here is the way I did mine - I was happy with the results. on 2m and HF: At night, line up the antenna boom with the north star. That will get you within the small variatio
Gene, I just picked one up today - there was NO specifications listed on the balun package nor in the operating instructions. Sorry, Randy N0LD The only balun locally available was a Van Gordon 1:1 t
My Yaesu G-800SDX Controller has quit indicating rotation. It will still turn my antennas - if I use the azimuth dial and preset button to move to a specific direction. Steps I have done: 1. I took t
Rich, The way that I did it was to lay it on paper using other buildings as a reference for measurement. For instance, I put it 10 feet from one of the corners of my house. On my scale drawing, I was
Rich, I admire your attention to detail, but I can't help but observe that the accuracy required to lay out guy footings is fairly forgiving. Just allow to be longer than the minimum distance. You ju
I've leaned up against one of those livestock electric fences. Don't do it. I can still remember every moment of that experience at it was 25 years ago. Those are preferred by farmers because they ac
Jon, It may be as simple as aligning the rotor and setting the controls on the CDE... Do you have the instructions for the CDE? You might find them online... Or.... have you already tried that? Good
Jon, I oversimplified. What I meant to add to this was that there is an adjustment on the CDE for correcting for incorrect amounts of slew. Randy N0LD have it or it, control not of
Jon, You can get a copy of the manual for $4 at http://www.manualman.com/catalog/news11.htm It might give you some idea on how to deal with this problem. Not having Personal experience with a CDE rot
I used the ARRL Antenna Manual and found a "window" of lengths that matched my purposes... 28 feet seemed to work to avoid resonance on the HF bands. That length is reasonably long enough so that you
Mike, Kevlar - Positive comments: 1. Kevlar does not need to be broken into non-resonating lengths with insulators. 2. Kevlar is stronger all things considered. Kevlar - Negative comments: 1. Kevlar
Michael, I see you got quite a response! (from helpful to depression) My two cents worth? Since I became a ham in 1996, my brother, my sister, my brother-in-law (all 30 - 37 years old) have become in
A couple of notes: One addition to your explanation: a Minute of Longitude distance varies by the cosine of the latitude. For instance, at the equator a minute of longitude is one NAUTICAL mile. (sin
I have watched this thread with some interest. I too live in the country where you think it would be easy to erect a tower. I bought three acres - the same month that I got my Technician plus license
One side note - do you really believe that a captain of a wooden sailing ship ISN'T a mechanical wiz? Randy N0LD and List Sponsor: Champion Radio Products - We'll be at the Dayton Hamvention with all
The Rohn specification calls out 3 guys at three different heights for a 100 foot tower. The ham I got the tower from had used 5 guys instead. The 3/16" EHS is old - 30 years - so I am replacing it.
Mark, "Do the best you can." With that in mind... I am not an expert - your mileage may vary. 1. You are trying to dissipate a lightning strike into as much "ground" as possible. I would "fan" the th