Regarding the proposal for forked radial systems: I had considered that a few years ago but concluded that it is not cost effective unless wire is extremely expensive and labor for making fork connec
To: <> Any floating conductor much over a quarter wavelength will have substantial coupling. If the conductor is grounded, then it only has to be somewhat more than 1/8 WL. Si
I tried this on 20 meters. I laid out 60 radials 250 feet long in a 45 degree sector pointed towards Europe. It produced no improvement with a 1/4 wave vertical and 2 to 3 dB improvement (to Europe
To: <> I just finished installing 1000 ft of open wire line. Much cheaper and lower loss than coax and the supports didn't cost a fortune. We used T-posts every 50 feet with
A more useful URL for knots (at least for me) was: <<>> Scroll down the left hand area and click on "knots". Then click on double figure 8. I previously knew
Just another data point on temporary towers. When I was WA7VZX in Seattle, I had 60 feet of Rohn 25 up with a TH6 on it. The base was five feet of Rohn 25 buried in the ground. Guy anchors were screw
I am in the process of bonding together a bunch of radials made from tinned copper buss wire. I would like to get opinions on the best way to do this. My current plan is to use solder consisting of 3
I have a 15 year old crank up tubular mast. I rarely crank it up; it has problaby been cranked up and down only a few dozen times in the 15 years. The cable (at least the part I can see) has absolute
I actually constructed 1/8 of a system of 500 radials 4 wavelengths long on 20 meters. The 45 degree sector with the long radials was pointed toward Europe. It was worth an extra 3 dB when using a ha
I'm not sure if this is clear on my web site, but I had 32 quarter wave radials spaced equally around the test vertical in addition to the 60 radials that were 4 wavelengths long. So my opinion is t
To: <> I have been conducting tests comparing a 40 meter inverted vee with 90 degree apex angle at an apex height of 90 feet with a similar antenna at 55 feet, and also with
To: <> I was just doing some rhombic modeling yesterday. I'm not sure what "350m in overall length" means, whether tip to tip or length of wire. If tip to tip, you are looking
To: <> For further info on this topic, see "A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Effects of Very Large Ground Screens on 20 Meter Verticals" which is available on my we
There was some recent discussion on towertalk about using cranes to install towers. I am confused by what I read. On the one hand, various people mentioned that you can't just assemble 90 feet of Roh
Can anyone give me a phone number or address for Universal Towers. Texas Towers says they are in Michigan some where, but I don't turn up anything using the suusual search engines. Rick Karlquist N6R
W8JI sez: Here is another anecdotal data point: either a full size dipole at 55 feet or a full size vertical with 2 elevated quarter wave radials, and this was running 700 watts. They simply couldn't
We put up a 1300 foot Beverage, and were not all that impressed in general either, although it had excellent front to back ratio. Might be good from the West Coast to the Pacific if you need to reje
My situation is slightly different than most of you. I do *not* have or plan to get a tower with Yagi(s) for 40 thru 10 meters. Hence I do not have a skyhook from which to hang a 160 meter vertical.