I missed A25R on 3.5 last night by a minute or so as my amp didn't warm up quickly enough; but I haven't seen them or TX7L spotted on 1.8 MHz, or TX7L on 3.5. Are they on those bands? Should be a cra
My apologies, meant to send this to the Top Band reflector. SteveH, K0XP On 11/8/2023 6:15 AM, Steve Harrison wrote: I missed A25R on 3.5 last night by a minute or so as my amp didn't warm up quickly
I ran into a different failure mode on a right angle UHF M-F adapter. Several years back, while at Visalia, I found some new, very nice-looking, nicely-machined, apparently-well-built, adapters from
On 12/11/2023 8:19 PM, john@kk9a.com wrote: From your post is sounds like your rotator is either stuck or does not have enough voltage to turn....... ............. It is a long run, broken at the tow
So now, you can buy an antenna rotator controller that's almost as complex as your radio... 8-D Steve, K0XP _______________________________________________ __________________________________________
I just acquired a Prosearch controller, SN PSE1N2351, along with the transformer. But I have absolutely no info about what it is compatible with, how to hook it up, how to use it, etc. etc.. It looks
A Google search did not reveal any manual/schematic info. The most info that I have found was from Yahoo, and was a fairly-detailed review by N1ACH in the June, 1984 "Ham Radio" magazine starting on
A Google search did not reveal any manual/schematic info. However, if the controller was designed for CDE/Telex/HyGain rotators, forget about controlling a Alfa-Spid rotator. CDE/HyGain are AC motors
Ed, which way did you model it: fore-and-aft, or did you also model side-to-side?? It seems intuitive that if the offset is side-to-side (STS), then the main distortion would be the main lobe would d
There was a similarly-tall tower on top of a building in Kansas City, MO; I believe my grandparents had something to do with management of the lower floors of the building back in the late '50s. Late
The rear switch is to be used to shut off the amp completely so it can't even be turned on remotely. The front switch is for "local control", as is the switch on the remote control console. And yes,
..... But none of that addresses HOW and WHEN those physically tight connections might become less tight. Enter Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. That's why the strong recommendation that the first
These things ain't just "telescoping poles"; they are actual towers. People are ASKING anywhere between $500 to $1500 (even higher, if they REALLY are proud of it) for MA-40 towers with the tiltable
On 4/6/2024 1:44 PM, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote: On the tower I just bought was a TET 4 element antenna. It appears to use a dual driven element and then a two directors. It appears that one of the d
Last week I worked BH7HQT on 20m FT8. You can see his apartment "station" on QRZ - small, simple, software driven. The HF bands are now accessible to apartment dwellers living in the largest of the w
Look at RBN spot data that was collected (I assume) last year: I would venture to suggest that attempting to use RBN data to adjudge intermittent and erratic CW callsigns as being an indicator of ban
First time I've heard anybody be concerned about the potential loss of "UHF" connectors in a few dozen years 8-D More frequently, we worry about how many of our 1500+ watts they will dissipate if th
VERY POORLY done. A true return loss of .31 dB, is anSWR of almost infinite. With approxamatly -14dB of return loss is 1.5:1 SWR. Cable loss has to be done with a short. You mean Return loss, which
I would certainly trust this data from the two undergraduate college students LOOONNGG before I'd trust W6LG to tell me the correct time of day. You can calculate the power dissipated within their co
A word of caution for those who have not used parts containing PTFE (teflon) before: PTFE expands when it gets very hot, such as it experiences during a *prolonged* soldering operation. Still further