Friends, I am purchasing a crank up tower as part of an estate sale. But I am having problems identifying what it is. It is a 5 section unit, motorized and the bottom section is 30 inches tube ce
Doug, First of all, that isnt quite true. Common mode rejection of an receiver RF input is not perfect. But it is almost true, so let's call that part good. But, these common mode currents on the shi
Wes, For transmit, yes. The note below was with regards to receive. Transmit CM issue - Unbalance of patterns, RF where it shouldnt be, etc. Receive CM issue: Noise pickup from non-antenna sources. C
Friends, I am an electronics engineer, involved for many years in electronics, including manufacturing at several small companies. I understand that we are not all wealthy, and there is a place for
Please consider contacting Pavel, VA6AM. He makes very high quality triplexers at reasonable prices. Both circuit board based 1500W and big component wired 3
Kevin, Consider the JK Mid-Tri/40. You'll have less load, spend less, and have an antenna with the 40/15M interaction already worked out without the need for you to model it. Performance will be
Tim, I'm not having issues and I am on one tower with one interlaced tribander+40M beam. Just using low power filters between radio and amp, and a high power triplexer. Some interference for sure, bu
Jamie, KS0MO uses a pair of K3s and a small tribander with multiplexer and band filters to run 2A in Kansas. Works well, we often win 2A. 73, Drew K3PA ________________________________ Message: 10 Da
John, My experience over 10+ years with the amp is that A2000 faults are a pain, but always end up identifying real issues. I have found bad UHF F-F adapters, almost shorted PL259 terminations, carbo
Bruce, KT34 is an old design. Go with an interlaced antenna. Bear in mind that Optibeam uses metric tubing, not easily available in US. Performance is otherwise good, but I would avoid for practical
Bruce, This is easy to answer. What you want for a single antenna, reliability, and maximum SO2R flexibility is an interlaced Yagi, with a triplexer and filters. There are several good choices sized
Really, no blasphemy at all. Negligible effect, and easy to show with any modelling tool. Lets say, for worst HF case, this is at 10 M. Think of the splice as a section of transmission line that is t
Dave. A vertical is omni in azimuth, while a dipole has some directivity. This, the dipole has more gain in the favored direction, even in free space. This is normal. 73, Drew K3PA -- Message: 2 Date
All, I am working with a tower from an estate sale that Tashjian believes is a TriEx WRS series. It is five sections of 20 foot each. Does anyone have a cabling diagram for this model? This unit uses
All, Before anyone decides to engineer a full-scale change from UHF to N connectors, whether it be due to "electrical superiority", "water resistance", "reliability", or any other reason, I suggest t
N connectors are BANNED at several multi multi stations due to extensive problems. --Original Message-- From: Charles Gallo (KG2V) <> Sent: Monday, 25 July, 2022 13:26 To: Drew
Ouch. I think I bought a tomato slicer from that guy once. I've had better luck with the T-bar style clamps in the tougher applications. But on my 80M 4SQ, which needed repairs every year, I gave up
E-rigging ( has drop forged hot dipped galvanizd 5/8" x 15" and 5/8 x 18" eye bolts in stock ready to ship. About $11 and $13 each. I've had good results with them. 73, Drew K3PA ______
Hi Mike, I absolutely love my butane Iroda SolderPro 180. Perfect combination of power and size. It can handle small wires, but has enough power for PL259 shells outside in the wind. About $120 on Am
I am installing a used crank-up/tilt-over tower, an older Tashjian model. My next step is to finish the tilt-over mechanism and place it all on the already poured foundation. I have replaced the tilt