Why do you advise against an aluminum ground plate? Are you only against outdoor use or indoor as well? I have a pair of Hoffmann metal utility cabinets with aluminum grounding plates inside. They se
I don't agree about not connecting to the rebar. That's the standard way to do a Ufer ground and I believe that's the way it's described in the NEC. My local jurisdiction required a visual inspection
I've tried it both ways, and the professional way is the only way for me. Trying to thread conduit on a long run of rope and/or cables can be an exercise in frustration. The cables/ rope tend to get
I feed my 75'-high right-angle 80m delta loop 1/4 wave from the apex, which puts it about 12.5 feet up one side from one of the lower corners. I get a decent match, but have added a 1/4-wave 75-ohm c
Thats what I was assuming. I dont see how it would work to bury just the radials. Youd have to mound the soil over them and compress it very hard to avoid it washing away in the first heavy rain. Yo
Regardless of what you decide to do, I'd sure want to check the fit of the base before and after any adjustments and before bringing in a crane. Can the base section be disconnected from the rest of