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Total 30 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] WPX 03 notes - 2 (score: 164)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Tue Apr 1 23:41:47 2003
Arturo Can't help you with the other stuff but I CAN tell you how to avoid rerecording messages at every shift change. I'll use CQF1 as an example. 1. Before the contest, every op records his CQF1 me
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-04/msg00001.html (7,941 bytes)

2. [Trlog] Re: WPX Report not recognizing some countries. (score: 162)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Sat Apr 5 23:54:30 2003
Yes, I used POST R W and I get exactly the same thing at the bottom of the report as you did. Jim Smith VE7FO
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-04/msg00010.html (8,444 bytes)

3. [Trlog] How to Select Any Combination of MkV Filters From WithinTRLog (score: 161)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Tue Mar 18 04:49:31 2003
COMMANDS.icf Tuesday, March 18, 2003 00:42 ; This contents of this file will enable you to select, while running TRLog, ANY ; combination of MkV filters which you have installed. Sort of like K6SE's
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00096.html (15,198 bytes)

4. [Trlog] Exchange not being sent. (score: 161)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Sun Feb 23 04:07:32 2003
I have to agree with Mike here. I initially found TR to be quite mysterious (this has improved to sometimes mysterious). The contests I first went into were all ones with default TR exchanges that ma
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00111.html (11,243 bytes)

5. [Trlog] US Counties dom file (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Fri May 16 05:16:44 2003
I put together a dom file for this. Sent it to the reflector but, because of its size (45K - 5K too big) it's awaiting moderator approval for posting. Here's the preamble. If the dom file doesn't get
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00026.html (9,883 bytes)

6. [Trlog] EXCHANGE RECEIVED = RST QTH doesn't seem to work (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Fri May 16 21:52:59 2003
Hi Jim, Here's a logcfg which appears to be working for me and does log mults. The dom file is on the TR web site. I called it counties.dom. US stations will need to add the line Dx = DX The lower ca
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00028.html (7,537 bytes)

7. [Trlog] WPX Report not recognizing some countries. (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Thu Apr 3 02:51:53 2003
My WPX report from the SSB test shows at the end of the report the following countries as unknown: TO3 (TO3T), TO4 (TO4T), and VP2 (VP2E). cty.dat shows all these prefixes assigned to the right count
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-04/msg00003.html (6,228 bytes)

8. [Trlog] I used the READ command after ARRL DX Phone and now have four timesasmany Qs (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Sun Mar 2 20:44:44 2003
Didn't help the score, though, because 3/4 of them were given 0 points. Guess this isn't the way into the top ten box! During the test I noticed TO1A didn't get counted as Martinique. So, downloaded
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00003.html (8,223 bytes)

9. [Trlog] I used the READ command after ARRL DX Phone and now havefour timesas many Qs (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Mon Mar 3 03:16:44 2003
Ahh..., humans will find a way to screw up no matter how specific the instructions. The manual says that READ needs to be given a file name different than log.dat. Well, I have never named any of my
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00007.html (8,379 bytes)

10. [Trlog] RTTY Wish List (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Mon Mar 3 16:19:51 2003
Here's another one. Hope I'm not stepping in anything here. I wish RITTY could be interfaced to TR as I find it way better for weak signals than my PK-232. I currently use WriteLog for RTTY so that I
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00034.html (7,222 bytes)

11. [Trlog] RTTY Wish List (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Fri Mar 7 02:55:40 2003
Hi Kirk RITTY is a DOS program. It works very well but has no logging capability on its own. WriteLog, a Windows program, is able to run RITTY and do the usual things such as highlighting received ca
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00058.html (8,610 bytes)

12. [Trlog] SBDVP - Arrrrrrrrg (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Wed Mar 12 21:05:05 2003
Here's my understanding of how TR and SBDVP work together as far as deciding which .dvp file to play. The sbdvpcfg.dat file is a list of files which SBDVP will attempt to load into memory when SBDVP
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00077.html (11,273 bytes)

13. [Trlog] SBDVP - Arrrrrrrrg (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Thu Mar 13 00:09:01 2003
Hope this helps. 73 de Jim Smith VE7FO
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00079.html (8,450 bytes)

14. [Trlog] Strange problems in Mn QSO Party (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Sun Feb 2 01:01:32 2003
During MnQP I saw strange TR behaviour which I have never seen before. Normally, as you tune past a station which is in the bandmap the call is written into the call window. Today, instead of doing t
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00007.html (7,289 bytes)

15. [Trlog] View File, was: Packet issues (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Tue Jan 28 20:51:34 2003
Hi Udo, This may not meet your needs but I run TR in a DOS box in Win 98. I often have other files open to view while running TR. 73 de Jim Smith VE7FO
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-01/msg00129.html (7,236 bytes)

16. [Trlog] Command to Manipulate the MP sub VFO (score: 160)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Fri Jan 31 21:15:09 2003
Ken, Maybe you missed my previous post on this 1. Program an F Key to send the A<>B command to the radio. (i.e. swap VFOs) e.g. F9=<03>SRS1=xxx<01><05><04>. Do this for both the CQ and Exchange memor
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-01/msg00138.html (7,439 bytes)

17. [Fwd: [Trlog] CQing Freq on Band Map] (score: 159)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Sun Aug 10 22:41:38 2003
Oops, meant to send this to the reflector
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-08/msg00036.html (5,899 bytes)

18. [Trlog] CQing Freq on Band Map (score: 159)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Sun Aug 10 23:38:36 2003
Oops again. Maybe this one will get thru .............................. In 6.71, and maybe earlier, you can turn this behaviour on or off. Personally, I like it Off. See BAND MAP DISPLAY CQ in logcfg
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-08/msg00037.html (6,572 bytes)

19. [Trlog] ORQP dom file needed (score: 159)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Thu May 8 22:23:20 2003
Does anyone have an out-of-state dom file for the ORQP which runs this weekend? I have an OR-IN-OR.dom but not an out-of-state one. I realize that I can make one from what I've got but, if someone ca
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00016.html (6,257 bytes)

20. [Trlog] ORQP dom file needed - now have - find it here (score: 159)
Author: jimsmith at (Jim Smith)
Date: Fri May 9 01:26:41 2003
Hey, thanks a lot Charles I posted the reply to the reflector along with the .dom so others can find it in the future.
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00017.html (7,535 bytes)

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