[Skimmertalk] RP10 14 and 16

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Jun 25 17:46:47 EDT 2019

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 5:01 AM N4ZR <n4zr at comcast.net> wrote:

> It's an interesting analysis, Dai.  If you wanted to  run Skimmers on 16
> bands at a time, then the 8+8 configuration of the 16-bit RP SDR by
> Pavel Demin, plus the 16-bit resolution of its ADC, would make it a very
> good value.

Yes, I agree.  Thanks Dai.

One must also consider the cost of one or two 14:1 transformers, plus the
cost of a preamp, when comparing an RP-10 or RP-14 to the RP-16 SDR, which
doesn't need either.  Or is anyone convinced that the RP-16 SDR isn't
sensitive enough all by itself and really needs a preamp?

> I may have missed this in the recent discussion, because I'm not
> currently running CWSL, but I wonder if anyone has run two simultaneous
> instances of CW or RTTY Skimserv (or one of each) on the 2 outputs of
> the RP-16?

Yes.  I'm currently running two instances of CWSL_Tee to feed SkimSrv.exe
and RttySkimServ.exe on 7 of the 8 "main" 8 slices, and SkimSrv2.exe (only)
to feed 8 "secondary" slices.  I could also feed RttySkimServ2.exe with the
secondary slices, but this will quickly overload my i7-7700 3.6 GHz CPU, so
I haven't tried it.  Of course I can also run HDSDR to monitor any of the
15 slices using Extio_CWSL.dll and a copy named Extio_CWSL2.dll.

My CPU has a CPU Passmark rating of 10,730.  I believe it would require a
CPU with double this speed to handle 14 or more bands of RTTY Skimming,
which hardly seems necessary these days, with so little RTTY activity.  You
can look up the passmark of any CPU by entering the CPU type in the "Find
CPU" box on this page:


Tip:  to run two copies of RTTYSkimServ at the same time, you have to use
RttySkimServ.exe and  a copy named RttySkimServ2.exe in a separate
directory, use CWSL_Tee.dll and a copy named CWSL_Tee2.dll, and you MUST
add the following lines: to RttySkimServ.ini and RttySkimServ2.ini:


Otherwise you cannot start two copies of RTTY Skimmer Server on the same

Bob, N6TV

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