[Skimmertalk] [RBN-OPS] URGENT for RBN Nodes - Making Sure You Spot WRTC Competitors

donovanf at starpower.net donovanf at starpower.net
Fri Jul 13 15:16:42 EDT 2018

Thanks Bob, 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <n6tv at arrl.net> 
To: "SkimmerTalk Reflector" <skimmertalk at contesting.com>, "RBN-OPS Reflector" <RBN-OPS at groups.io> 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2018 1:59:06 PM 
Subject: Re: [RBN-OPS] URGENT for RBN Nodes - Making Sure You Spot WRTC Competitors 

Unfortunately there have been multiple versions of Patt3Ch.lst uploaded to the server in the last two days, and all have the potential to create busted spots for some (but not all) of the WRTC competitors, potentially creating unwanted dupes from hungry prefix hunters, possibly affecting the outcome if things are close. No WRTC callsigns use the prefixes Y80, Y85, or Y88. 

I therefore recommend manually editing Patt3Ch.lst as follows: 

REMOVE (if found): 

+ Y##@ 
+ Y8#@ 


+ Y81@ 
+ Y82@ 
+ Y83@ 
+ Y84@ 
+ Y86@ 
+ Y87@ 
+ Y89@ 

(The plus signs are significant and must be present, followed by a space, as shown). 

You will get a red message from Aggregator warning that Patt3Ch.lst does not match what's on the server. At 1200z Sunday, after the competition ends, you can download the server version. 

Bob, N6TV 

On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 5:03 AM, N4ZR < n4zr at comcast.net > wrote: 

The WRTC organizers have just announced that the WRTC competitors w ill all use callsigns in the format Y8#@, where "#" is a single digit and "@" is a single letter. The calls actually to be issued were the n culled to ensure more-or-less equal difficulty for CW and phone - for example, there are no Y85 calls included, and E, I, and S suffixes were not included. 

Assuming that you want you r RBN Skimmer node to copy the WRTC competitors fairly, you'll need to change your patt3ch.lst file. We've automated this to make it trivial to do. 

1. Go t o the "patt3ch.lst" tab of the Aggregator. You should have already entered the current location of this file in the box on this page. For those who haven't , browse to it at, nominally, "C:\Users\[your username}\appdata\ r oaming \Afreet\reference" and make sure the box is properly filled. 

2. Once the Aggregator knows where to find the pattern file, y ou'll see o n both the "patt3ch . lst" tab and the "Status" tab of the Aggregator a red message that your patt3ch.lst file needs to be updated . Go back to the "patt3ch.lst" tab and click the Download button. Within a few seconds, you'll see a green message indicating that your pattern file is now up to date. 

3. One final, essential step - stop Skimmer or Skimmer Server and restart it, to load the new pattern file. 

A footnote for anyone running Skimmers on more than one computer: the procedure above assumes that Aggregator and Skimmer or Skimmer Server are on the same computer. If you have additional Skimmers running as Secondary Skimmers, you will need to copy the new patt3ch.lst file from the computer that has the Aggregator on it, and manually put it in the appropriate folder on the other(s). Don't forget to restart *each* instance of Skimmer or Skimmer Server so that it will load the new pattern file. 

One last thing - the new patt3ch.lst file can also be found on the RBN web site under the Downloads menu. 

Any questions? Write to me ASAP and I'll try to help. 


73, Pete N4ZR
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