[Skimmertalk] No waterfall display

Phil Cragg phil at headstartpets.co.uk
Tue Aug 1 09:56:13 EDT 2017

Hi All


I'm new to this list, so forgive me if this has been aired before. Looked
for a search facility but couldn't find one.

So here goes:


I've been using Skimmer for years with my Flex 5000 so I'm reasonably
familiar with its workings. Now with the Flex, setting up was relatively
easy - all virtual audio cables and virtual COM ports.

The Flex has gone and I've replaced it with an Icom7300, so I'm having to
use a real cable from the Icom to the PC. With Alex's help I found the .ini
file to get the CAT working satisfactorily, but despite all my efforts and
much tearing of what's left of my hair, I cannot get the waterfall to do
anything except produce a lot of hash, even from the dummy load.


I've connected the audio cable from the ext socket on the Icom to the
line-in socket on the PC, which uses a Realtek sound facility on the
motherboard and selected line-in. I can see the bar graph of incoming
signals when I check on the Realtek control panel, so I know the signal is
getting that far. Absolutely no response from Skimmer though. As I mentioned
I used this same motherboard with the Flex so there shouldn't be any driver
incompatibility issues.


Please someone save me from complete baldness.


Thank you



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