Al, you are correct, the white two pin plastic connectors are very small and
have, what appears to be gold plated male pins and not anything I would want to
physically manipulate because of their more fragile construction.
Question: Al are you very familiar with the evolution of the Omni VI to the
Omni VI with factory installed option 3 ? I have had my Omni VI over 20 years
and sent it back to Ten Tec for the option 3 upgrade. I have NEVER personally
worked on it and always returned it to Ten Tec for repairs, upgrades and
adjustments. I have NEVER studied the schematics of the Omni VI and that is the
basis for my question to you.
I have been seeing discussions on the reflector regarding the TCXO in the Omni
V!. Thence the following questions:
1. Did the early production (1992-1993) Omni VIs have a TCXO ?
2. Did the later models have a TCXO added ?
3. Did the option 3 factory upgrade change the type TCXO ?
4. Are the early Omni VIs less prone to serious TCXO problems ?
My Omni VI is working great except to the occassional disconnect of the small
connector. The frequency readout on 75 meters seems to be about 400 hertz low,
so when I call the 3.925 net I set the readout to 3.924.6. Stability appears
excellent. Transmitted audio is great according to K5QDA, my brother, who knows
my voice better than anyone except K5MOL, Barbara, my wife.
If you can comment on the TCXO history of the Omni VI, please do. If you would
like to involve another TEN TEC lover/historian, please feel free to do so.
Thanks and 73, John, K5PGW
On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 10:51 PM, Al Gulseth <>
AMP Mate-N-Locks are used for the power connectors. The connector in question
is for an internal low-level signal of some sort and is much smaller.
73, Al
On Wed July 6 2016 5:32:49 pm Bryan Lee Cornwell wrote:
> Below is something I saved from a number of years ago
> Maybe it will be helpful
> 73
> Lee K2BLC
> The connector is an AMP Mate-N-Lock.
> Use the Female pins for the back of radio, and the Male for the power
> supply.
> Use 12 AWG and solder to pins, prior to inserting into the housing.
> Mouser P/Ns
> 571-14807020—Pin Housing--$0.32 each
> 571-3505471—Male Pin--$0.09
> 571-3505501—Female Socket--$0.09
> 2 pin Ten-Tec Mate -n- Lock connectors
> Mouser 800-346-6873
> AMP Universak Mate-n-lok connectors
> Page 142 catalog 590 good thru 7/31/97
> 571-14806980 2 conductor pin housing 1@$.26/10@$.25
> 571-3505471 pin contact 1@$.09
> 571-3505501 Socket contact 1@$.09
> On 7/6/2016 4:59 PM, Al Gulseth wrote:
> > These may also be known as "mass term" or MTA connectors. Take a look at
> > this page and see if they're what you're referring to:
> >
> >
> >mta-100-mta-156-connectors.html
> >
> > (MTA 100 is 0.100" and MTA 156 is 0.156" center-to-center pin spacing.)
> >
> > 73, Al
> >
> > On Wed July 6 2016 3:38:05 pm John King wrote:
> >> Thanks mucho for the assistance. It is a two pin connector and is as
> >> new, but just doesn't maintain contact. I will check to determine if it
> >> is locked.. Thanks for the description, nomenclature and source. 73,
> >> John, K5PGW
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 3:15 PM, Al Gulseth
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> If I've identified them correctly those connectors come under the
> >> general description of latching pin header connectors. Replacements
> >> should be inexpensive and readily available from sources such as
> >> Digi-Key or Mouser.
> >>
> >> 73 es GL, Al
> >>
> >> On Wed July 6 2016 2:11:54 pm Joe Papworth via TenTec wrote:
> >>> Hi Jim,
> >>> I haven't experienced that problem with my Six-plus and I can't picture
> >>> that connector, but if it's the style I'm thinking of, here's a trick
> >>> that has cured that type of problem many times over 45 years in the
> >>> computer field. (I started out on main frames and worked my way down to
> >>> "toys") "Tin" the male pins (if they're accessible) with a very thin
> >>> layer of solder. That should make for a solid connection. Plan B would
> >>> be to hard wire it by either cutting off the connector or leave the
> >>> connector on and add two wires in parallel with the connector. It could
> >>> be a bad crimp at one of the pins on the end of the harness. Plan B
> >>> would take care of that.
> >>>
> >>> Later, Joe, K8MP
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: John King via TenTec <>
> >>> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <>
> >>> Cc: John King <>
> >>> Sent: Wed, Jul 6, 2016 02:06 PM
> >>> Subject: [TenTec] small white connectors
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Question: Has anyone had any problems with the small two conductor
> >>> connectors in the Ten Tec radios? My SUPER Omni VI with the option 3
> >>> upgrade has ONE connector that occasionally loses connection and a
> >>> gentle touch or nudging causes it to make contact and perform perfectly
> >>> for a couple of months or so and then it will again lose connectivity.
> >>> It is not a serious problem, but an inconvenient one. I have not
> >>> attempted to manipulate the contacts manually to adjust for more
> >>> reliable connection, but have used DeOxit Gold on several occasions but
> >>> that is not any more of a permanent fix than gently touching it to make
> >>> it achieve contact. It is one on the vertical board to the right side
> >>> of the tuning knob. I have purposely not attempted to physically adjust
> >>> the male section for fear that I might make it even less dependable. If
> >>> anyone has had personal hands on experience with these small white
> >>> connectors and experienced this problem, I would appreciate hearing of
> >>> proven experience and results from you. In the event that replacement
> >>> might be necessary, what is the connector called as to type, model and
> >>> manufacturer?
> >>>
> >>> Does anyone know of a source for these connectors?
> >>> As I said before, the Omni VI that I have had since 1992, is the VERY
> >>> BEST of all the newer Icom and Kenwood transceivers that I have owned
> >>> and still own. That is why I am taking care of my Omni VI and using it
> >>> every day and calling a regional 75 meter net with it, Thanks for
> >>> loving Ten Tecs with me and for any assistance you can offer. 73, John,
> >>> K5PGW _______________________________________________
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