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Re: [TenTec] Orion II Questions

To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II Questions
From: "Tony Lelieveld" <va3dwi@gmail.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:21:31 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

On my ORION-II I generally run the RF gain between 65 and 75, average around 68. For me this is a comfortable setting to keep the noise down and I'm not being blown out of my chair when a very strong station jumps out while tuning. I mostly adjust the audio with the volume control. On occasion, when the signal is extremely strong, I'll reduce my RF gain to as low as 50 or use the attenuator to cut out all back ground noise which makes it sound as good as a station on VHF. Especially on a long chatty type QSO it pays to keep the RF gain as low as possible. I almost NEVER use the pre-amp. The RX has plenty of gain and the pre-amp also raises the noise floor.
For both CW and SSB I use the PROG AGC as follows:
Hang: 0.21 Sec.  Decay: 8dB/S  Threshold 1 u.

For AM, I use Fast: Hang 0.0 Sec.  Decay 80 dB/s Threshold 1 uV.

In the later firmware versions the designations Fast, Slow and Medium are all individually programmable as well, the same as the Prog settings. It is very nice to tailor these settings to your individual taste and be able to switch quickly between any of them by repeatedly pressing the AGC button on the radio.
The S-meter may not act the way you expect it to.  Depending on the firmware 
you are using, the S-meter does NOT follow the AGC.  I use Ver.3.033xd.  The 
S-meter follows the signal as it appears at the antenna input.  Even if you 
have programmed the Hang-time for a loooong time, for example 2 Sec., the 
S-meter will not hang for that time period, the AGC does.  I very seldom use 
the Slow or Medium setting.  The Prog. and Fast does it all for me.  The 
ORION-II is the BEST radio I've ever owned.  It is now 7 years old and I 
never had a problem with it, knock..knock.
If there has to be any complaint about the radio at all, it is, IMO, the 
Noise Reduction (NR).  It sucks and I don't ever use it.  And before I get 
replies about that "none of them work", go listen to the NR on the TS 590. 
It does a good job.  Again, this is "My Opinion".  I still wouldn't trade it 
for anything else hi.. hi.
Good Luck es 73,
Tony VE3DWI.

----- Original Message ----- From: "David and Dianne on Comcast" <dhhdeh@comcast.net>
To: "Ten Tec Reflector" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 6:08 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Orion II Questions

Hi All,

I recently acquired an Orion II and am getting
used to it more each day. I have two questions for
any Orion users in the group.

#1- I am using the factory default settings for
the AGC fast, medium and slow values. Can anyone
suggest any values that they use which may seem
better? Is there a tutorial on-line or a
repository of AGC values maintained anywhere for
reference? I have not ventured into the
programmable AGC world yet with the Orion II

#2- In adjusting some… but not all menu values
with the multi-knob encoder, I find that it
sometimes generates a bit of “flutter” in between
some value settings and seems a bit imprecise. Is
this normal or should I investigate replacing the
multi-knob encoder at some point? This Orion II is
quite new dating to spring 2013 manufacture and
was back to TT in November of this year for a
check out by them with nothing noted by them in
this regard. It’s not a biggie but I am curious if
others have noticed this phenomenon.

I came to the Orion II from the K3, which I still
own and which I have held as the benchmark for HF
RX performance since 2008. But this receiver is
quite spectacular, very special and far more
pleasing to my ears. Who knew!?! Just a joy to
use. Digital RX that sounds like old-time analog
RX. Well done TT!

Thanks for any input that can be given on my two
questions above.

73 de N1LQ-Dave
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