I don't know where the Triton III went.
A useful place to look for (or add too if you know the history) is
Triton was Model 510
Triton II was Model 520
Triton IV was Model 540
Triton IV digital was the Model 544
Even the Triton had its own set of naming problems ...
> From the Ten-Tec Reflector November 1, 1999
> Ten-Tec was threatened with legal action from a major
> communications company over the use of the name "Triton" for radio
> equipment. Rather than have David fight Goliath, we politely
> changed the name of the radio from the model 544 Triton IV to the
> "Model 544" - the "Model 544" name plate on the front was used for
> approximately the last year of production of the model. After that,
> our top of the line radio became "Omniā¦"
> 73,
> Scott Robbins, W4PA
> Amateur Radio Product Manager
But there seems never to have been a Model 530, Triton III. Perhaps
gone the way of the RX321 :-)
On Nov 9, 2007, at 12:15 PM, jones_winston@bellsouth.net wrote:
> Does anybody have an explanation why Ten-Tec had a Triton I, Triton
> II and then a Triton IV, but no Triton III? Was it a prototype
> model that never made it to market?
> 73, Winston K4CWQ
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Kevin Purcell <kevinpurcell@pobox.com>
>> John,
>> look on the Ten Tec support knowledge base for TT using the phrase
>> "Omni D series C". They use it for the 546C!
>> <http://kb.tentec.com/>
>> For example, "Identifying the Omni D series A, B or C" where they use
>> that name several times.
>> <http://kb.tentec.com/index.php?article=41>
>> Better still a Google site specific search finds them all ...
>> <http://www.google.com/search?rls=en&q=site:kb.tentec.com+%22Omni+D
>> +series%22>
>> including their General Repair FAQ (this is a PDF file).
>> <http://kb.tentec.com/pdf.php?category=7>
>> It is true that the manual (and the radio) don't have this name on
>> them but that doesn't mean that TT never called them by that. I
>> suspect they didn't realize how convoluted their product names had
>> become until after they shipped them and people would call in with
>> problems.
>> Of course this naming scheme also explains how the Omni V, VI and VII
>> got their names if you count A, B, C, D, 5, 6, 7.
>> Last time this came up a guy (it wasn't you John, was it?) just
>> wouldn't believe me until I provided him with the links to the
>> tentec.com site. Then he stopped emailing me! Very odd.
>> On Nov 9, 2007, at 9:10 AM, John/K4WJ wrote:
>>> Carl,
>>> What you wrote sounds logical. However, I've never seen any
>>> reference
>>> to an Omni D series C until some guys started posting this in their
>>> messages to this group.
>>> I have researched all of the sales brochures I have and even went
>>> back to 1979 to look in QST for any reference to an Omni D series C.
>>> I did not find any reference to it.
>>> If TenTec wanted to call it an Omni D series C they never made this
>>> public, at least as far as my research has determined.
>>> Omni Announced in October, 1978
>>> The October, 1978 QST has a TEN-TEC advertisement that announces
>>> on pages
>>> 128 and 129,
>>> "there's a world of difference in TEN-TEC's all new hf
>>> transceiver--
>>> OMNI"
>>> The Omni was avaialble with either a digital or an analog
>>> frequency
>>> readout. The specifications for both OMNI models were the same
>>> except for
>>> the readouts
>>> " ANALOG OR DIGITAL READOUTS . OMNI A features an analog dial
>>> with 1 kHz
>>> dial markings. OMNI D has 0.43" LED readouts with the 5 most
>>> significant
>>> in
>>> red and the 6th in green to show 100 Hz increments."
>>> The price for these beauties was "Model 545 OMNI-A $899" and the
>>> "Model
>>> 546
>>> Omni D $1069".
>>> Both transceivers pictured in this advertisement have digital
>>> readouts and
>>> have "OMNI D" printed above the TEN-TEC logo on the front panel.
>>> In other
>>> advertisements I saw pictures of the Omni A and it had an analog
>>> dial and
>>> "OMNI A" above the Ten-Tec logo on the front panel.
>>> August, 1979
>>> It appears that this is the first time Ten-Tec advertised the
>>> series B.
>>> This advertisement announced,
>>> "New OMNI/SERIES B Filters The Crowd". The advertisement claims
>>> "NEW I-F
>>> RESPONSE SELECTION" and "NEW NOTCH FILTER" and new prices.
>>> The prices were, "Model 545 Series B OMNI-A $949" and the
>>> "Model 546
>>> Series
>>> B OMNI-D $1119". Pictures of the digital model show OMNI-D
>>> printed above
>>> the logo on the front panel. Ten-Tec continued to offer an analog
>>> and a
>>> digital version of the Omni.
>>> May, 1980
>>> In QST on page 109 I found the first Omni - Series C
>>> advertisement. It
>>> said, "new features, new performance + all 9 bands". The price
>>> line says
>>> "Model 546 Omni - Series C...$1189" The front panel has "OMNI"
>>> printed
>>> above the logo and the A and D were dropped.
>>> The digital "Model 546 Omni - Series C" replaced the analog
>>> "Model 545
>>> Series B Omni-A" and the digital "Model 546 Series B Omni-D" in
>>> May, 1980.
>>> In summary, the Ten-Tec OMNI models were as follows,
>>> Omni Analog Models
>>> Model 545 OMNI-A $899 announced around October, 1978
>>> Model 545 Series B OMNI-A $949 announced around August, 1979
>>> Omni Digital Models
>>> Model 546 Omni D $1069 announced around October, 1978
>>> Model 546 Series B OMNI-D $1119 announced around August, 1979
>>> Model 546 Omni - Series C $1189 announced around May, 1980
>>> I don't know why some folks refer to their 'Omni C' as the 'Omni-
>>> D Series
>>> C' because the latter never existed. If anyone has information
>>> that it
>>> did, then I sure would like to see it. Since there was no analog
>>> version of the
>>> C series, calling it the Omni C meant that it had a digital
>>> readout.
>>> TenTec referred to it as Model 546 Omni - Series C and NOT as the
>>> Model 546 Omni-D series C. I assumed they dropped the Omni-D in
>>> order
>>> differentiate the series C as a new line of digital readout
>>> transceivers not to be confused with the older models. There was no
>>> analog version of the series C so there was no need to continue to
>>> use Omni-A or Omni-D in the name.
>>> Back in the old days hams would refer to their older TenTec rigs as
>>> a an Omni B with a digital readout or an Omni B with an analog
>>> readout. This differentiation was not necessary with the series C so
>>> it was referred to as an Omni C even though there is no mention of
>>> the Omni C in TenTec's literature or manual.
>>> Over the years I've beaten this subject to death. I've accepted Omni
>>> C as the name for my transceiver even though it is not the official
>>> TenTec name for this model. So, I will accept the fact that the
>>> TenTec newbies refer to it as the Omni D series C.
>>> 73..de John/K4WJ
>>> At 06:40 PM 11/8/2007, you wrote:
>>>> The Omni C was short for Omni D series C. They were only made in
>>>> digital.
>>>> So obviously Omni C series B is impossible. In the Original mode,
>>>> there was
>>>> an Omni A for analog and an Omni D for digital display. Then
>>>> later both
>>>> these models were enhanced to the series B level. Hence the Omni
>>>> A series B
>>>> and the Omni D series B. Then finally, they came out with the
>>>> series C,
>>>> which was only digital. It was an Omni D series C which got
>>>> shortened to
>>>> Omni C.
>>>> Carl Moreschi N4PY
>>>> 121 Little Bell Drive
>>>> Bell Mountain
>>>> Hays, NC 28635
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "John/K4WJ" <k4wj@bellsouth.net>
>>>> To: <roncasa@verizon.net>; "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"
>>>> <tentec@contesting.com>; "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"
>>>> <tentec@contesting.com>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 6:32 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] For Sale Omni A/B and power Supply
>>>>> Ron,
>>>>> I challenge you to find an Omni C, series B in any TenTec sales
>>>>> brochures, magazine ads or any magazine reviews. I've owned a C
>>>>> since
>>>>> 1981 and I've never seen or heard of an Omni C, series B until
>>>>> some
>>>>> guys invented it on the Internet.
>>>>> 73..de John/K4WJ
>>>>> At 03:48 PM 11/8/2007, roncasa@verizon.net wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have for sale a Ten Tec Omni A/B in good condition.
>>>>>> I have to ask, but what is A/B? I've seen Omni listed as A, and
>>>>>> as B,
>>>> even C
>>>>>> and D. But never as "A/B".
>>>>>> I also know it was TT fault for confusing us naming these models
>>>>>> (smile).
>>>>>> Like, "Omni C, series "B".
>>>>>> (maybe I was out that day)
>>>>>> Ron, wb1hga
>>>>>> "the 516 is a keeper"
>>> 73..de John/K4WJ
>>> ex K8PXG 18 Jun 1959 to 11 Feb 1997
>>> K8WJ 12 Feb 1997 to 08 Apr 1997
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>> --
>> 73 DE N7WIM / G8UDP
>> Kevin Purcell
>> kevinpurcell@pobox.com
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