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[TenTec] Orion and RX-320 on DRM

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Orion and RX-320 on DRM
From: "Mark Erbaugh" <mark@microenh.com>
Reply-to: tentec@contesting.com
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 23:53:43 -0400
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
I have modified my Orion and my RX-320 to make the IFs available to use with
the Dream DRM decoding software.

Listening to the RCI (Canada) DRM broadcast directed to NE USA this evening
and using the same anteana. The Dream software reports a signal to noise
ratio.  The best I could get with the RX-320 was about 16 dB S/N which
resulted in marginal DRM reception.  The Orion was 24 dB which was almost
perfect reception.

I know the Orion is a better receiver, but is this difference to be
expected?  I am taking the IF's directly from the receiver insidee the
respective radios. The only difference is that I put a 0.1 uF cap across the
output of the RX-320, I didn't do that with the Orion.  Do you think
removing the cap would help?


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